Protocol Documentation

Table of Contents




MethodProfile specifies profile options for methods.

timeout uint32

Maximum timeout in seconds.

retryable bool

If set, the method can be retried automatically.


ServiceProfile specifies default profile options for methods in the service.

timeout uint32

Maximum timeout in seconds. If a timeout is also set on method level, that timeout overrides this timeout.

File-level Extensions

profile MethodProfile .google.protobuf.MethodOptions 75352262

default_profile ServiceProfile .google.protobuf.ServiceOptions 75352263




Request arguments for AttachProjectToAuditLog.

project_id string

ID of project to attach the AuditLog to.

auditlog_id string

ID of the AuditLog to attach.


AuditLog holds a specification destinations that audit events should be

sent to and it acts as a grouping of audit log archives.

id string

The ID of this resource. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the audit log

description string

Description of the audit log

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the resource This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the resource This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this resource is deleted. This is a read-only value.

created_by_id string

Identifier of the user who created this resource. This is a read-only value.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization that owns this audit log. After creation, this value cannot be changed.

is_default bool

If set, this AuditLog is the default for the organization. This is a read-only value. The default AuditLog for an organization is used to capture audit events from the ArangoGraph Insights Platform. If there is no default AuditLog, audit events from the ArangoGraph Insights Platform are not captured. The default AuditLog is also attached to new projects in the organization.

destinations AuditLog.Destination repeated

Destinations that events of this AuditLog should be sent to. Note that there can only be 1 destination of type "cloud".


Specification of a destination for audit events.

type string

Type of destination. Possible values are: "cloud", "https-post"

excluded_topics string repeated

Do not send audit events with these topics to this destination.

http_post AuditLog.HttpsPostSettings

Settings for destinations of type "https-post"

Statuses AuditLog.DestinationStatus repeated

Status of this destination (per deployment) This is a read-only value.

id string

Identifier of this destination. This is a read-only value. To ensure matching updates of destinations, include this field in calls to UpdateAuditLog and TestAuditLogHttpsPostDestination.


The counters of a destination for audit events (for the provided deployment).

All fields in this message are read-only values.

events int64

The number of audit log events this destination has been processed. This number will not include the excluded events, so contain events which are relevant after filtering only.

events_excluded int64

The number of audit log events this destination has been excluded based on the provided 'excluded_topics' filter.

events_undeliverable int64

The number of undeliverable audit log events for this destination. Undeliverable means that they are removed without being successfully processed, retries are not taken into account here.

bytes_succeeded int64

The bytes of successfull audit log events this destination has been processed.

bytes_failed int64

The bytes of unsuccessfull audit log events this destination has been trying to process. This include retries, however not any filtered events or undeliverable events which are discarded based on retry_period period without being ever sent.

https_posts_succeeded int64

The number of successfull HTTPS posts this destination has been sent. An HTTPS POST request is considered successful when a status code between 200 and 299 is returned. This field is used when the destination type is "https-post" only.

https_posts_failed int64

The number of unsuccessfull HTTPS posts this destination has been trying to sent. This field is used when the destination type is "https-post" only.


The status of a destination for audit events (for a deployment).

All fields in this message are read-only values.

deployment_id string

ID of the deployment that the status applied to (if applicable) The deployment ID of the status is optional, inside the list at most one destination status is allowed to be empty, meaning the ArangoGraph Insights Platform status, all others will be bound to a specific deployment as indicated by this ID.

has_errors bool

Set if this destination (for the provided deployment) has errors.

error_details string

Human readable error message (if any).

counters_since_midnight AuditLog.DestinationCounters

The counters of a destination for audit events (for the provided deployment) for today since midnight. The fields inside this message will be reset at midnight UTC. The updated_at timestamp will be used as baseline for the time.

counters_yesterday AuditLog.DestinationCounters

The counters of a destination for audit events (for the provided deployment) for yesterday. The updated_at timestamp will be used as baseline for the time.

updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp when this status has been last updated. This is used as baseline for the counters_since_midnight and counters_yesterday fields.

deployment_name string

Last known name of the deployment identified by deployment_id (if any). This is a read-only value.


HTTP header pair

key string

Key of the header

value string

Value of the header This is a write-only value. On read requests, the value is mangled to something like "abc..."


Settings for a destination of type "https-post"

url string

URL of the server to POST to. The scheme of the URL must be "https". The used URLs within a single audit log should be unique.

trusted_server_ca_pem string

PEM encoded public key of the CA used to sign the server TLS certificate. This public key will be used to verify the TLS connection provided by the server. If this field is empty, a well known CA is expected.

client_certificate_pem string

PEM encoded public key of the client certificate used to make the request.

client_key_pem string

PEM encoded private key of the client certificate used to make the request. This is a write-only value.

headers AuditLog.Header repeated

HTTP headers to add to the request. It is allowed to pass multiple headers with the same key.

retry_period google.protobuf.Duration

The period this https-post destination will retry to deliver audit events. Not specifying this value will default to 4 hours, the maximum allowed value is 24 hours. When this time is exceeded for an event this event will be discarded, however newer events will still be delivered.


AuditLogArchive collects files of audit events in a specific region,

usually for a specific deployment.

id string

The ID of this resource. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the resource This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the resource This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this resource is deleted. This is a read-only value.

auditlog_id string

Identifier of the auditlog that owns this audit log archive. This is a read-only value.

deployment_id string

If set, this archive is collecting audit events for a deployment with this ID. Note that the deployment may have already been deleted.

size_in_bytes uint64

Last known size of this archive in bytes. Note that this field is only update periodically. This is a read-only value.

size_in_bytes_changed_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of the last modification of size_in_bytes. This is a read-only value.

project_id string

If set, this archive is collecting audit events for a deployment in the project with this ID. This is a read-only value.

deployment_name string

Last known name of the deployment identified by deployment_id. This is a read-only value.

project_name string

Last known name of the project identified by project_id. This is a read-only value.

can_delete bool

If set, it is safe to delete this archive. It does not mean that the caller has permission to delete the archive. This is a read-only value.


List of AuditLogArchive's.

items AuditLogArchive repeated


Single audit log event

timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp

When did the event happen

topic string

Topic of the event

project_id string

ID of the project that the event happened in (if applicable)

deployment_id string

ID of the deployment that the event happened in (if applicable)

server_id string

ID of the server that the event happened in (if applicable)

instance_id string

Instance ID of the server that the event happened in (if applicable)

sequence uint64

Sequence number. Must be even increasing for (deployment_id, server_id, instance_id) pairs.

user_id string

ID of the user that caused the event

database string

Name of database the operation is in (if applicable)

client_ip string

IP address of source of operation (if available)

authentication string

Authentication details

message string

Free format text describing the event

auditlogarchive_id string

ID of the AuditLogArchive that contains this event (if applicable)

verb string

Verb of the event (if applicable)


List of AuditLogEvent's.

items AuditLogEvent repeated

The audit log event items.

cursor string

A cursor is opaq information to be provided by a next call to GetAuditLogEvents, to continue from this point on (meaning after the last item in the provided items). If the string has a non empty value there is (potentially) more data, if the string is empty (""), no more data is available.


List of AuditLog's.

items AuditLog repeated


Information about a possible topic of an audit log event.

topic string

Identifier of the topic

for_deployment bool

If set, this topic is used in audit log events of deployments.

for_platform bool

If set, this topic is used in audit log events of the ArangoGraph Insights Platform.

exclude_by_default bool

If set, this topic will be excluded by default when adding new destinations.


List of AuditLogTopic's

items AuditLogTopic repeated


Request arguments for DeleteAuditLogArchiveEvents.

auditlogarchive_id string

Identifier of the audit log archive to delete events from.

to google.protobuf.Timestamp

Remove events created before this timestamp. Note that this timestamp will be rounded down to the nearest hour.


Request arguments for GetAuditLogEvents.

auditlog_id string

Identifier of the audit log to request events for. This field is optional when an auditlogarchive_id is specified, however if specified, it should match.

auditlogarchive_id string

If set, include only events from this AuditLogArchive. If this identifier is provided the auditlog_id is optional.

from google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request events created at or after this timestamp. This is an optional field.

to google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request events created before this timestamp. This is an optional field.

included_topics string repeated

If non-empty, only request events with one of these topics.

excluded_topics string repeated

If non-empty, leave out events with one of these topics. If a topic is specified in included_topics as well as excluded_topics, events of that topic will not be included in the results.

limit int32

Limit the number of audit log events. Defaults to 0, meaning no limit.

cursor string

A cursor is opaq information provided by a previous call to GetAuditLogEvents, to continue from that point on.


Request arguments for ListAuditLogArchives

auditlog_id string

Identifier of the audit log to request the audit log archives for.

include_deleted bool

If set, the result includes all audit log archives, including those who set to deleted, however are not removed from the system currently. If not set, only audit log archives not indicated as deleted are returned.

deployment_id string

If set, the results will only include archive items which belong to the deployment identified by this ID.

without_deployments bool

If set, the results will only include archive items which belong to no deployment. Setting this field and specifying a deployment_id will result in an empty list.

project_id string

If set, the results will only include archive items which belong to the project identified by this ID.


Optional common list options, the context_id is ignored


Request arguments for ListAuditLogTopics.


Optional common list options, the context_id is ignored

for_deployment_only bool

If set, only topics used in audit log events of deployments are returned.

for_platform_only bool

If set, only topics used in audit log events of the ArangoGraph Insights Platform are returned.


Request arguments for ListAuditLogs

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization to request the audit logs for.

include_deleted bool

If set, the result includes all audit logs, including those who set to deleted, however are not removed from the system currently. If not set, only audit logs not indicated as deleted are returned.


Optional common list options, the context_id is ignored


Request arguments for SetDefaultAuditLog.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization to set the default for.

auditlog_id string

Identifier of the new default auditlog. If empty, there will be no default auditlog for the organization.


Request arguments for TestAuditLogHttpsPostDestination.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization.

settings AuditLog.HttpsPostSettings

The HTTPS post settings to test.

auditlog_id string

Identifier of the audit log. This field is optional, if specified this auditlog is used to revert the redacted content (if any).

destination_id string

Identifier of the destination. This field is optional, if specified this identifier is used, inside the provided audit log to revert the redacted content (if any).


Result arguments for TestAuditLogHttpsPostDestination.

has_errors bool

Set if this destination has errors.

error_details string

Human readable error message (if any).


AuditService is the API used to provide access to audit events.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListAuditLogTopics ListAuditLogTopicsRequest AuditLogTopicList

Fetch all topics that can be found in an audit log event. Required permissions: - None

ListAuditLogs ListAuditLogsRequest AuditLogList

Fetch all audit logs in the organization identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - audit.auditlog.list on the organization identified by the given ID.

GetAuditLog AuditLog

Fetch a specific AuditLog identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - audit.auditlog.get on the audit log identified by the given ID.

CreateAuditLog AuditLog AuditLog

Create a new audit log. Required permissions: - audit.auditlog.create on the organization identified by the given ID.

UpdateAuditLog AuditLog AuditLog

Update an audit log. Required permissions: - audit.auditlog.update on the audit log identified by the given ID.


Delete an audit log. Note that audit logs are initially only marked for deleted. Once all their resources are removed the audit log itself is deleted and cannot be restored. Note that deleting an AuditLog will detach it from all Projects that it was attached to. Required permissions: - audit.auditlog.delete on the audit log.

SetDefaultAuditLog SetDefaultAuditLogRequest

Change the default audit log of an organization. The default AuditLog for an organization is used to capture audit events from the ArangoGraph Insights Platform. If there is no default AuditLog, audit events from the ArangoGraph Insights Platform are not captured. The default AuditLog is also attached to new projects in the organization. Required permissions: - audit.auditlog.set-default on the organization.

TestAuditLogHttpsPostDestination TestAuditLogHttpsPostDestinationRequest TestAuditLogHttpsPostDestinationResult stream

Test an audit log destination of type HTTPS Post. Note that only 1 item is returned, but this can take a while. To recognize test events: The Topic will be "test-topic" and the Sequence 0 Required permissions: - audit.auditlog.test-https-post-destination on the organization identified by the given ID.

ListAuditLogArchives ListAuditLogArchivesRequest AuditLogArchiveList

Fetch all audit log archives in the audit log identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - audit.auditlogarchive.list on the audit log identified by the given ID.

GetAuditLogArchive AuditLogArchive

Fetch a specific AuditLogArchive identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - audit.auditlogarchive.get on the audit log archive identified by the given ID.


Delete an audit log archive. Note that this method will return a precondition-failed error if there is a non-deleted deployment using this archive. Note that audit log archives are initially only marked for deleted. Once all their resources are removed the audit log archive itself is deleted and cannot be restored. Required permissions: - audit.auditlogarchive.delete on the audit log archive.

DeleteAuditLogArchiveEvents DeleteAuditLogArchiveEventsRequest

Remove all audit events that match the given filter from the AuditLogArchive identified by the given ID. Note that this method will return a precondition-failed error if there is no destination of type "cloud" in the AuditLog. Required permissions: - audit.auditlogevent.delete on the audit log archive identified by the given ID.

GetAuditLogEvents GetAuditLogEventsRequest AuditLogEventList stream

Fetch all audit events that match the given filter. Note that this method will return a precondition-failed error if there is no destination of type "cloud" in the AuditLog. Required permissions: - audit.auditlogevents.get on the audit log identified by the given ID.

GetAuditLogAttachedToProject AuditLog

Fetch the AuditLog that is attached to the project identified by the given ID. If no AuditLog is attached to the project, a not-found error is returned. Required permissions: - audit.auditlogattachment.get on the project identified by the given ID.

AttachProjectToAuditLog AttachProjectToAuditLogRequest

Attach the AuditLog identified by given ID to the project identified with given ID. This replaces any existing AuditLog attachment for the project. Required permissions: - audit.auditlogattachment.create on the project identified by the given ID.


Detach the current AuditLog from the project identified with given ID. After a detachment, no audit events in the context of the project will be sent to an AuditLog. Required permissions: - audit.auditlogattachment.delete on the project identified by the given ID.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/audit/v1/api-version
ListAuditLogTopics GET /api/audit/v1/topics
ListAuditLogs GET /api/audit/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/auditlogs
GetAuditLog GET /api/audit/v1/auditlogs/{id}
CreateAuditLog POST /api/audit/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/auditlogs *
UpdateAuditLog PATCH /api/audit/v1/auditlogs/{id} *
DeleteAuditLog DELETE /api/audit/v1/auditlogs/{id}
SetDefaultAuditLog PUT /api/audit/v1/auditlogs/{organization_id}/default
TestAuditLogHttpsPostDestination POST /api/audit/v1/auditlog/test-https-post-destination *
ListAuditLogArchives GET /api/audit/v1/auditlogs/{auditlog_id}/auditlogarchives
GetAuditLogArchive GET /api/audit/v1/auditlogarchives/{id}
DeleteAuditLogArchive DELETE /api/audit/v1/auditlogarchives/{id}
DeleteAuditLogArchiveEvents DELETE /api/audit/v1/auditlogarchives/{auditlogarchive_id}/events *
GetAuditLogEvents POST /api/audit/v1/auditlogs/{auditlog_id}/events *
GetAuditLogAttachedToProject GET /api/audit/v1/projects/{id}/auditlog
AttachProjectToAuditLog POST /api/audit/v1/projects/{project_id}/auditlogs/{auditlog_id}/attach *
DetachProjectFromAuditLog DELETE /api/audit/v1/projects/{id}/auditlogs




Request arguments for Authorize

resource_id string

Resource identifier, example (notebook id)

resource_type string

Resource Type is the kind of resource

callback_url string

Endpoint of a resource


AuthService is the API used to expose the authorize end point for JWT based authorization

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None (authenticated only)

Authorize AuthorizeRequest

Verify the current user based on JWT token provided in the request header Verify if the resource URI in request is allowed for a given user If the permission is allowed, Set cookie (arango_graph_[env]]) in response for resource URL Redirect user to callback_url in the request Required permissions: - None (since the subject is always the authenticated user).


Logout the user from auth dashboard by deleting the cookie - None (since the subject is always the authenticated user).

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/auth/v1/api-version
Authorize POST /api/auth/v1/authorize
Logout GET /api/auth/v1/logout




Backup represents a single backup of a deployment.

id string

System identifier of the backup. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the backup

description string

Description of the backup

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment that owns this backup. After creation, this value cannot be changed.

backup_policy_id string

Identifier of the backup policy that triggered this backup After creation, this value cannot be changed. If this field is empty, this is a manual backup

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the backup (database object) This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the backup This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this backup is deleted. This is a read-only value.

auto_deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp that this backup will be automatically removed You cannot provide a value in the past, If the field is not set, the backup will not be automatically removed.

deployment_info Backup.DeploymentInfo

Information about the deployment during backup

upload bool

Upload the backup, created by the backup policy, to an external source. Setting or unsetting this fields after the backup has been created will upload/delete the backup from the external source. Setting this field when status.available = false will result in an error

upload_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the upload boolean has been updated. This is a read-only value.

download Backup.DownloadSpec

Information about a backup download. If this field is set the backup will be downloaded the deployment. This is a read-only field. To set this field please use the DownloadBackup method.

created_by_id string

Identifier of the user who created this backup. This field is set only for manual backups. This is a read-only value.

status Backup.Status

Status of the actual backup

region_id string

Identifier of the region in which backup is stored If not set, backup is stored in the same region as of deployment This is a read-only field

source_backup_id string

Identifier of the backup from which this backup is cloned. If not set, backup is not multi-region backup. This is a read-only field


Information about the deployment during backup

All members of this field are read-only.

version string

ArangoDB version of the deployment during backup.


Servers spec of the deployment during backup.


Model of the deployment during backup.


Information about a backup download.

All members of this message are read-only.

revision int32

The revision of this DownloadSpec

last_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the last revision has been updated.


The status of backup download

All members of this message are read-only.

revision int32

The revision of the used DownloadStatus

downloaded bool

Set when the backup has been fully downloaded

downloaded_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the backup has been fully downloaded.


Status of the actual backup

All members of this field are read-only.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the backup

version string

ArangoDB version of the backup

state string

The state of the backup Will be one of the following: "Pending|Unavailable|Scheduled|Download|DownloadError|Downloading|Create|Upload|Uploading|UploadError|Ready|Deleted|Failed"

is_failed bool

Set when the backup is failed

message string

State message

progress string

Progress of the backup (upload or download)

size_bytes int64

Size of the backup (in bytes)

available bool

If set the backup is available on the cluster and can be restored

dbservers int32

Number of dbservers of the deployment during backup

upload_only bool

Indicates that the backup is available in the external source only. You should download the backup before you can restore it.

upload_status Backup.UploadStatus

The status of backup upload (if applicable).

download_status Backup.DownloadStatus

The status of backup download (if applicable). This field will be set to empty if a new revision of the spec is available


The status of backup upload

All members of this message are read-only.

uploaded bool

Set when the backup has been fully uploaded

uploaded_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the backup has been fully uploaded

size_bytes int64

Size of the backup in the external source (in bytes)


List of backups.

items Backup repeated


Budget for backups


BackupPolicy represents a single backup policy for a deployment.

id string

System identifier of the backup policy. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the backup policy

description string

Description of the backup policy

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment that owns this backup policy. After creation, this value cannot be changed.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the backup policy This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the backup policy This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this backup policy is deleted. This is a read-only value.

is_paused bool

Pause this backup policy. If a backup policy is paused, the backup policy will not result in new backups. The backup policy isn't deleted, unsetting this field will resume the creation of backups again.

schedule BackupPolicy.Schedule

The schedule for this backup policy

upload bool

Upload the backup, created by the backup policy, to an external source.

retention_period google.protobuf.Duration

Backups created by this policy will be automatically deleted after the specified retention period A value of 0 means that backup will never be deleted.

email_notification string

The owners of the organization can be notified by email This field support the following values: "Never|FailureOnly|Always"

locked bool

If set, this backup policy cannot be deleted. To delete, first update the with locked set to false.

status BackupPolicy.Status

Status of the backup policy

additional_region_ids string repeated

List of region identifiers where the backup should be uploaded in addition to the region where the deployment is running. If not set, it should be uploaded to the same region as where the deployment is running. This field can be filled-out only for policies where 'upload' is set.


Note: Nested types inside nested types is not supported by the typescript generator

monday bool

If set, a backup will be created on Mondays.

tuesday bool

If set, a backup will be created on Tuesdays.

wednesday bool

If set, a backup will be created on Wednesdays.

thursday bool

If set, a backup will be created on Thursdays.

friday bool

If set, a backup will be created on Fridays.

saturday bool

If set, a backup will be created on Saturdays.

sunday bool

If set, a backup will be created on Sundays.

schedule_at TimeOfDay

The (target) time of the schedule


Note: Nested types inside nested types is not supported by the typescript generator

schedule_every_interval_hours int32

Schedule should run with an interval of the specified hours (1-23)

minutes_offset int32

Minutes offset is a minute offset to full hour (0-59) when the backup process should start


Note: Nested types inside nested types is not supported by the typescript generator

day_of_month int32

Run the backup on the specified day of the month (1-31) Note: Specifying a number larger than some months have days will result in no backup for those months (e.g. 29 for February (unless leap year)).

schedule_at TimeOfDay

The (target) time of the schedule


schedule_type string

Schedule type should be one of the following string: "Hourly|Daily|Monthly" The schedule_hourly, schedule_daily or schedule_montly field should be set Setting multiple fields, or inconsistent with this field result in an error during create/update

hourly_schedule BackupPolicy.HourlySchedule

Schedule applies to the selected day of the week This is applicable for Hourly type only, ignored for Daily and Monthly

daily_schedule BackupPolicy.DailySchedule

Schedule applies to the selected day of the week This is applicable for Daily type only, ignored for Hourly and Monthly

monthly_schedule BackupPolicy.MonthlySchedule

Schedule applies to the selected day of the month This is applicable for Monthly type only, ignored for Hourly and Daily


Status of the backup policy

All members of this field are read-only.

next_backup google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp when the next backup - initiated by this backup policy - will be created

message string

Message in case of failure, otherwise an empty string


List of backup policies.

items BackupPolicy repeated


Budget for backup policies


Parameters for copying the backup

source_backup_id string

Identifier of the backup that is to be copied The source backup should have the 'upload' boolean set.

region_id string

Identifier of the region where the backup should be copied


Request arguments for ListBackupPolicies

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment to request the backup policies for.

include_deleted bool

If set, the result includes all backup policies, including those who set to deleted, however are not removed from the system currently. If not set, only backup policies not indicated as deleted are returned.


Optional common list options, the context_id is ignored


Request arguments for ListBackups

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment to request the backups for.

from google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request backups that are created at or after this timestamp. This is an optional field.

to google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request backups that are created before this timestamp. This is an optional field.

good_only bool

If set, only backups that can be recovered from are included in the result. A backup can be recovered from when: - It is available and restorable on the servers of the deployment or - It is uploaded and the upload has finised.


Optional common list options, the context_id is ignored

sort_by_created bool

If set, the results will be sorted by created timestamp.

sort_descending bool

Sort descending (default is ascending).


TimeOfDay describes a specific moment on a day

hours int32

Hours part of the time of day (0-23)

minutes int32

Minutes part of the time of day (0-59)

time_zone string

The time-zone this time of day applies to (empty means UTC) Names MUST be exactly as defined in RFC-822.


BackupService is the API used to configure backup objects.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None


Checks if the backup feature is enabled and available for a specific deployment. Required permissions: - backup.feature.get on the deployment that is identified by the given ID.


Checks if the backup upload feature is enabled for a specific deployment. Required permissions: - backup.feature.get on the deployment that is identified by the given ID.


Checks if the multi region backup upload feature is enabled for a specific deployment. Required permissions: - backup.feature.get on the deployment that is identified by the given ID.

ListBackupPolicies ListBackupPoliciesRequest BackupPolicyList

Fetch all backup policies for a specific deployment. Required permissions: - backup.backuppolicy.list on the deployment that owns the backup policies and is identified by the given ID.

GetBackupPolicy BackupPolicy

Fetch a backup policy identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - backup.backuppolicy.get on the backup policy identified by the given ID.

CreateBackupPolicy BackupPolicy BackupPolicy

Create a new backup policy Required permissions: - backup.backuppolicy.create on the deployment that owns the backup policy and is identified by the given ID.

UpdateBackupPolicy BackupPolicy BackupPolicy

Update a backup policy Required permissions: - backup.backuppolicy.update on the backup policy identified by the given ID.


Delete a backup policy identified by the given ID. Note that the backup policy are initially only marked for deletion, no backups will be deleted with this operation. Once all their dependent backups are removed, the backup policy is removed. Required permissions: - backup.backuppolicy.delete on the backup policy identified by the given ID.

ListBackups ListBackupsRequest BackupList

Fetch all backups for a specific deployment. Required permissions: - backup.backup.list on the deployment that owns the backup and is identified by the given ID.

GetBackup Backup

Fetch a backup identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - backup.backup.get on the backup identified by the given ID.

CreateBackup Backup Backup

Create a new manual backup Setting the backup_policy_id field in the backup is not allowed Required permissions: - backup.backup.create on the deployment that owns the backup and is identified by the given ID.

UpdateBackup Backup Backup

Update a backup Required permissions: - backup.backup.update on the backup identified by the given ID.


Download a backup identified by the given ID from remote storage to the volumes of the servers of the deployment. This operation can only be executed on backups which have the same number of DB Servers in the backup and the current running cluster. If this backup was already downloaded, another download will be done. If the backup is still available on the cluster there is no need to explicitly download the backup before restoring. This function will return immediately. To track status, please invoke GetBackup and check the .status field inside the returned backup object Required permissions: - on the backup identified by the given ID.


Restore (or recover) a backup identified by the given ID This operation can only be executed on backups where status.available is set and the mayor and minor version of the backup and the current running cluster are the same. This function will return immediately. To track status, please invoke GetDeployment on the data API and check the .status.restoring_backup and .status.restore_backup_status fields inside the returned deployment object Required permissions (both are needed): - backup.backup.restore on the backup identified by the given ID. - data.deployment.restore-backup on the deployment that owns this backup


Delete a backup identified by the given ID, after which removal of any remote storage of the backup is started. Note that the backup are initially only marked for deletion. Once all remote storage for the backup has been removed, the backup itself is removed. Required permissions: - backup.backup.delete on the backup identified by the given ID.

CopyBackup CopyBackupRequest Backup

Copy a backup manually from source backup to a given region identifier. It is not allowed to copy backup that does not have upload flag set to true Required permissions: - backup.backup.copy on the backup identified by the given ID.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/backup/v1/api-version
IsBackupFeatureAvailable GET /api/backup/v1/deployment/{id}/feature
IsBackupUploadFeatureAvailable GET /api/backup/v1/deployment/{id}/uploadfeature
IsMultiRegionBackupUploadFeatureAvailable GET /api/backup/v1/deployment/{id}/multiregionuploadfeature
ListBackupPolicies GET /api/backup/v1/deployment/{deployment_id}/backuppolicies
GetBackupPolicy GET /api/backup/v1/backuppolicies/{id}
CreateBackupPolicy POST /api/backup/v1/deployment/{deployment_id}/backuppolicies *
UpdateBackupPolicy PATCH /api/backup/v1/backuppolicies/{id} *
DeleteBackupPolicy DELETE /api/backup/v1/backuppolicies/{id}
ListBackups GET /api/backup/v1/deployment/{deployment_id}/backups
GetBackup GET /api/backup/v1/backup/{id}
CreateBackup POST /api/backup/v1/deployment/{deployment_id}/backup *
UpdateBackup PATCH /api/backup/v1/backup/{id} *
DownloadBackup POST /api/backup/v1/backup/{id}/download
RestoreBackup POST /api/backup/v1/backup/{id}/restore
DeleteBackup DELETE /api/backup/v1/backup/{id}
CopyBackup POST /api/backup/v1/copy




Address of organization

address string repeated

Address lines

zipcode string

ZIP code (if any)

city string


state string

State For US, this must be an ISO 3166-2 2-letter state code See

country_code string

Country code


credits AvailableCredits.CreditCurrencyAmount repeated

contains information about credits in different currencies


information abou Credit in a given currency

amount float

amount of credit

currency_id string

identifier of the currency for this credit


Billing configuration for an organization

address Address

Address of the organization

vat_number string

EU VAT number of the organization (if any)

email_addresses string repeated

Email address(es) to send emails related to billing (mostly invoices) to.

us_tax_number string

US sales tax number of the organization (if any)

company_legal_name string

Legal name of the organization


Request arguments for CreatePaymentMethod

prepared_payment_method PreparedPaymentMethod

The result of PreparePaymentMethod.

first_name string

First name of owner of payment method

last_name string

Last name of owner of payment method


organization_id string


Request argument for GetPreliminaryInvoice

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization This is a required field.


An Invoice message describes a transaction for usage of ArangoGraph Insights Platform.

id string

System identifier of the invoice.

url string

URL of this resource

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization that is responsible for the payment of this invoice.

organization_name string

Name of the organization that is responsible for the payment of this invoice.

entity_id string

Identifier of the legal entity that is the sender of this invoice.

entity_name string

Name of the legal entity that is the sender of this invoice.

invoice_number string

Invoice number (used by accounting)

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation date of the invoice

requires_manual_verification bool

If set, this invoice must be manually verified before payment can be initiated.

last_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last update date of the invoice. This applies to 'specification' only and doesn't apply to status or payments changes.

email_addresses string repeated

The list of email addresses that this invoice (and payments related to this invoice) will be send to.

purchase_order_based bool

If set, this invoice is generated for an organization that is configured to use purchase orders.

invoice_builder_version string

The version of the invoice-builder who created the invoice.

items Invoice.Item repeated

All items of the invoice

currency_id string

Currency for all amounts

total_amount_excl_taxes float

Sum all amount for all items (excluding VAT and sales tax)

total_vat float

VAT amount for all items (applicable for Entity GmbH)

vat_reverse_charge bool

If set, the VAT reverse charge rule is applied for this invoice.

vat_percentage_used float

The VAT percentage used

total_sales_tax float

Sales tax amount for all items (applicable for Entity Inc.)

sales_tax_percentage_used float

The sales tax percentage used

total_amount_incl_taxes float

Sum of total_amount_excl_taxes + total_vat + total_sales_tax. This is the amount that the customer will be charged for.

status Invoice.Status

payments Invoice.Payment repeated

All payment attempts for this invoice, ordered by created_at.


A single item of the invoice

usageitem_ids string repeated

Identifiers of the UsageItems that this item covers.

amount float

Amount of money (ex VAT) for this item

description string

Human readable description of this item

is_prepaid bool

If set, this invoice item is already prepaid

is_prepaid_credits bool

If set, this invoice item is already prepaid in credits.


Payment (attempt) of the invoice

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of the start of the payment attempt.

payment_provider_id string

Identifier of the payment provider that is used for this payment.

payment_id string

Identifier of this payment (created by payment provider)

payment_method_id string

Identifier of the payment method that is used for this payment.

is_pending bool

If set, this payment is still being processed.

is_completed bool

If set, this payment has been payed for succesfully.

is_rejected bool

If set, this payment has been rejected.

completed_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of succesfull completion of the payment.

rejected_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of rejected completion of the payment.

rejection_reason string

Human readable reason for the rejection.

converted_currency_id string

If the currency of the payment method differs from the currency of the invoice, the amount is converted from the currency of the invoice to the currency of the payment method. If such a converted was needed, this field is set to the currency of the payment method.

converted_amount float

If the converted_currency_id is non-empty, this field it set to the the amount (in converted currency) that the customer is charged for. This is the total_amount_incl_taxes converted into the payment method currency.

amount float

Amount in the invoice currency that was paid with this payment If it's 0, it is assumed that this is a full amount of the invoice


Status of the invoice

is_pending bool

If set, this invoice is still being processed.

is_completed bool

If set, a successful payment has been made for this invoice.

is_rejected bool

If set, all payment attempts for this invoice have been rejected.

is_verified bool

If set, this invoice has been verified manually.

needs_rebuild bool

If set, this payment needs to be rebuild (by the invoice-builder service). If set, is_completed & is_rejected must be false.

completed_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of succesfull completion of the payment. This field equals the completed_at field of the last payment if that payment succeeded, nil otherwise.

rejected_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of rejected completion of the payment. This field equals the rejected_at field of the last payment if that payment failed, nil otherwise.

completion_reason string

Human readable reason for the completion.

rejection_reason string

Human readable reason for the rejection.

completed_by string

Identifier of user who completed this invoice.

rejected_by string

Identifier of user who rejected this invoice.


List of Invoices.

items Invoice repeated


Request arguments for ListInvoices

organization_id string

Request invoices for the organization with this id. This is a required field.

from google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request invoices that are created at or after this timestamp. This is an optional field.

to google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request invoices that are created before this timestamp. This is an optional field.


Standard list options This is an optional field.

include_usageitem_ids bool

Whether or not to include the usage item IDs on every Invoice_Item in the returned Invoices. This is an optional field; usage item IDs are not included by default.


Request arguments for ListPaymentMethods

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization for which payment methods are requested.


Optional common list options. (Context ID is ignored)


Request arguments for ListPaymentProviders

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization for which payment providers are requested.


Optional common list options. (Context ID is ignored)

include_internal bool

If set to true, also return include internal payment providers, for whom users can't create payment methods.


Billing specific organization flags

is_allowed_to_list_invoices bool

If set, this organization is allowed to list invoices.

is_allowed_to_access_payment_methods bool

If set, this organization is allowed to create/list/update payment methods.


content bytes

Content of the document

filename string

Filename of the document


Payment methods are specific methods for paying at a specific payment provider

such as a specific credit card.

id string

System identifier of this payment method.

name string

Name of the payment method

description string

Description of the payment method

payment_provider_id string

Identifier of the payment provider used for this payment method This is a read-only field.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization that owns this payment method This is a read-only field.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Creation timestamp of this payment method This is a read-only field.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Deletion timestamp of this payment method This is a read-only field.

is_deleted bool

Set if the payment method is deleted. This is a read-only field.

valid_until google.protobuf.Timestamp

If set, this timestamp specifies when the payment method is no longer valid. If not set, there is no (known) end date for this payment method.

token string

Token for this payment method, provided by the payment provider. This is a read-only field.

type string

Type of payment method

is_default bool

If set, this payment method is the default for its organization. This is a read-only field.

currency_id string

Currency for invoices using this payment method

credit_card_info PaymentMethod.CreditCardInfo


Information of the creditcard.

Only set when type == "creditcard"

last_digits string

Last 4 digits of the CC number.

card_type string

Type of creditcard


List of Payment methods

items PaymentMethod repeated


Payment providers are services that handle payments.

id string

System identifier of this payment provider.

name string

Name of the payment provider

description string

Description of the payment provider

type string

Type of payment method supported by this provider


List of Payment providers

items PaymentProvider repeated


Request arguments for PreparePaymentMethod.

provider_id string

ID of the provider to prepare

organization_id string

ID of the organization that will own the future payment method

currency_id string

Currency for the future payment payment method


Response data for PreparePaymentMethod.

provider_id string

ID of the provider of the future payment method

organization_id string

ID of the organization that will own the future payment method

currency_id string

Currency for this payment method

token string

Token (semantics depends on payment provider)

script_url string

URL of custom script to load to create the payment method

signature string

Signature used to verify the consistency of the data in this message.


Request arguments for SetBillingConfig.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization for which billing address is to be set.

config BillingConfig

Billing configuration to set.


Request argument for SetDefaultPaymentMethod

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization for which the default payment method will be set.

payment_method_id string

Identifier of the new default payment method for the organization.


BillingService is the API used to fetch billing information.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

GetOrganizationBillingFlags OrganizationBillingFlags

Fetch the billing specific flags for the organization identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - billing.organization.get

ListInvoices ListInvoicesRequest InvoiceList

Fetch all Invoice resources for the organization identified by the given organization ID that match the given criteria. Required permissions: - billing.invoice.list on the organization identified by the given organization ID

GetInvoice Invoice

Fetch a specific Invoice identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - billing.invoice.get on the organization that owns the invoice with given ID.

GetPreliminaryInvoice GetPreliminaryInvoiceRequest Invoice

Fetch a preliminary Invoice identified by the given organization ID. The preliminary invoice contains all costs from the last invoice (if any, otherwise the creation date of the organization) until last night (midnight UTC). Required permissions: - billing.invoice.get-preliminary on the organization identified by the given organization ID

GetInvoicePDF PDFDocument

Fetch a specific Invoice identified by the given ID as PDF document. Required permissions: - billing.invoice.get on the organization that owns the invoice with given ID.

ListPaymentProviders ListPaymentProvidersRequest PaymentProviderList

Fetch all payment providers that are usable for the organization identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - billing.paymentprovider.list on the organization identified by the given context ID

GetPaymentProvider PaymentProvider

Fetch a specific payment provider identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - None

ListPaymentMethods ListPaymentMethodsRequest PaymentMethodList

Fetch all payment methods that are configured for the organization identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - billing.paymentmethod.list on the organization identified by the given context ID

GetPaymentMethod PaymentMethod

Fetch a specific payment method identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - billing.paymentmethod.get on the organization that owns the payment method which is identified by the given ID

PreparePaymentMethod PreparePaymentMethodRequest PreparedPaymentMethod

Prepare the payment provider for creating a new payment method. Required permissions: - billing.paymentmethod.create on the organization that owns future payment method.

CreatePaymentMethod CreatePaymentMethodRequest PaymentMethod

Create a new payment method. Required permissions: - billing.paymentmethod.create on the organization that owns the given payment method.

UpdatePaymentMethod PaymentMethod PaymentMethod

Update a specific payment method. Note that only name, description & valid period are updated. Required permissions: - billing.paymentmethod.update on the organization that owns the given payment method.


Delete a specific payment method identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - billing.paymentmethod.delete on the organization that owns the given payment method which is identified by the given ID.

GetDefaultPaymentMethod PaymentMethod

Fetch the default PaymentMethod for an organization identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - billing.paymentmethod.get-default on the organization that is identified by the given ID

SetDefaultPaymentMethod SetDefaultPaymentMethodRequest

Update the default PaymentMethod for an organization identified by the given organization ID, to the payment method identified by the given payment method ID. Required permissions: - billing.paymentmethod.set-default on the organization identified by the given organization ID

GetBillingConfig BillingConfig

Fetch the billing configuration of an organization identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - billing.config.get on the organization that is identified by the given ID

SetBillingConfig SetBillingConfigRequest

Update the billing configuration for an organization identified by the given organization ID. Required permissions: - billing.config.set on the organization identified by the given organization ID

GetAvailableCredits GetAvailableCreditsRequest AvailableCredits

Get available credits for an organization identified by organization_id Required permissions: - billing.credits.get_available on the organization identified by the given organization ID

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/billing/v1/api-version
GetOrganizationBillingFlags GET /api/billing/v1/organization/{id}/billing-flags
ListInvoices GET /api/billing/v1/organization/{organization_id}/invoices
GetInvoice GET /api/billing/v1/invoices/{id}
GetPreliminaryInvoice GET /api/billing/v1/invoices/{organization_id}/preliminary
GetInvoicePDF GET /api/billing/v1/invoices/{id}/pdf
ListPaymentProviders GET /api/billing/v1/organization/{organization_id}/paymentproviders
GetPaymentProvider GET /api/billing/v1/paymentproviders/{id}
ListPaymentMethods GET /api/billing/v1/organization/{organization_id}/paymentmethods
GetPaymentMethod GET /api/billing/v1/paymentmethods/{id}
PreparePaymentMethod POST /api/billing/v1/paymentproviders/{provider_id}/prepare *
CreatePaymentMethod POST /api/billing/v1/paymentmethods *
UpdatePaymentMethod PUT /api/billing/v1/paymentmethods/{id} *
DeletePaymentMethod DELETE /api/billing/v1/paymentmethods/{id}
GetDefaultPaymentMethod GET /api/billing/v1/organization/{id}/default-paymentmethod
SetDefaultPaymentMethod PUT /api/billing/v1/organization/{organization_id}/default-paymentmethod *
GetBillingConfig GET /api/billing/v1/organization/{id}/config
SetBillingConfig PUT /api/billing/v1/organization/{organization_id}/config *
GetAvailableCredits GET /api/billing/v1/organization/{organization_id}/credits




Budget for resources of a specific kind

used int64

How many resources of the specific kind are in use

available int64

How many resources of the specific kind are still available. Note a value above 0 does not mean that the caller has permission to add those resources.

unlimited bool

If set, there is no limit to the number of resources of a specific kind that can be created. If set, available is 0.


Empty message


Options for a get-by-id request

id string

System identifier of the object to fetch.


Options for a list request.

page_size int32

Maximum number of items to return. If not specified, a default number items are returned. Unless specified otherwise, the default number is DefaultPageSize.

page int64

Page to start with (defaults to 0).

context_id string

Identifier of the resource in which the list request is made.


Options for a get-by-url request

url string

URL of the resource to fetch.


Semantic version number.

major int32

Major version (increasing may break APIs)

minor int32

Minor version (increased for new features)

patch int32

Patch version (increased for fixed)


Response for single boolean.

result bool




id string

ID of the credit bundle. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this credit bundle. This is a read-only value.

organization_id string

The organization this credit bundle belongs to. This is a read-only value.

credits_purchased float

The number of credits purchased in this bundle. This is a read-only value.

total_price float

The total price of these credits. This is a read-only value.

currency string

Currency used for total_price. This is a read-only value.

credits_remaining float

The number of credits remaining in this bundle. This is a read-only value.

purchased_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The date at which this bundle was purchased. This is a read-only value.

valid_from google.protobuf.Timestamp

The date from which this bundle is valid. This is a read-only value.

valid_until google.protobuf.Timestamp

The date until which this bundle is valid. This is a read-only value.

last_used_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp of when this credit bundle was last used.


Usage of credit bundle.

All fields are read-only.

id string

Unique identifier of this credit bundle usage.

usage_item_id string

ID of the usage item this credit bundle usage corresponds to.

credit_bundle_id string

ID of the credit bundle from which credit was used.

organization_id string

ID of the organization this credit bundle (and usage) belongs to.

usage float

Amount of credits used from the specified credit_bundle_id.

remaining float

Amount of credits remaining after this usage.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp at which this credit usage was created.


List of CreditBundleUsages.

items CreditBundleUsage repeated


CreditBundleUsageProjection contains a series of monthly credit usage projections.

projections CreditBundleUsageProjection.Projection repeated

List of credit usage projections.


value float

Usage value projected for the month in the provided timestamp.

timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp (month) for which the given usage value is projected.


List of credit bundles

items CreditBundle repeated


CreditDebt contains the details regarding an organization's credit debt.

organization_id string

ID of the organization in debt.

amount float

Amount of debt currently accrued by the specified organization. Zero means no debt.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp at which this organization first ran out of credits (and went into debt). Not set if there is no debt.


CreditUsageReport describes the monthly credit usage for a given organization.

id string

System identifier of the report.

url string

URL of this resource

organization_id string

ID of the organization to which this report belongs.

amount float

Amount of credits consumed between the interval in this report (between starts_at and ends_at).

opening_balance float

Credit balance at the start of the month.

closing_balance float

Credit balance at the end of the month.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Date at which this report was created. This report will contain the monthly usage of the month specified in this timestamp.

items CreditUsageReport.Item repeated

List of items in this credit usage report.

status CreditUsageReport.Status

Status of the report.


creditusage_ids string repeated

Identifiers of the Credit usages that this item covers.

amount float

Amount of credits for this item.

description string

Human readable description of this item


Status of the report.

is_complete bool

If set, the items in this report are complete for the month specified in `created_at`. No more items will be added to this report once this field is set.


items CreditUsageReport repeated

List of credit usage reports.


Request for GetCreditBundleUsageProjection rpc.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization for which a credit usage projection is requested.

projections_limit int32

Maximum number of projections to return. This is an optional field. If unspecified, defaults to 3.


Request for listing credit bundle usages.

organization_id string

The organization this credit bundle belongs to. This is a required field.

credit_bundle_id string

If set, list the usage for the specified credit bundle only. By default, returns the usage for all credit bundles in this organization. This is an optional field.

starts_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The date from which credit usage should be listed. If unspecified, defaults to the date 7 days before `ends_at`. This is an optional field.

ends_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The date until which credit usage should be listed. If unspecified, defaults to the current date (at the time of calling the API). This is an optional field.

usage_item_id string

If set, list the usage for the specified usage item only. This is an optional field.


Common list options context_id is ignored.


Request for listing credit bundles

organization_id string

ID of the organization for which credit bundles are listed. This is a required field.

exclude_expired bool

If set, exclude expired bundles.


Request for ListCreditUsageReports rpc.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization for which credit reports are listed.

from google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request reports that are created at or after this timestamp. This is an optional field.

to google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request reports that are created before this timestamp. This is an optional field.


Common list options context_id is ignored.


PDFDocument contains the PDF representation of a CreditUsageReport.

contents bytes

The contents of the PDF. This is a read-only field.

filename string

Name of the PDF file. This is a ready-only field.


CreditsService is the API used for managing credits.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None (authenticated only)

ListCreditBundles ListCreditBundlesRequest CreditBundlesList

List credit bundles for an organization based on the provided request. Required permissions: - credit.creditbundle.list on the organization identified by the given organization ID

ListCreditBundlesUsage ListCreditBundleUsageRequest CreditBundleUsageList

List credit bundle usages for an organization based on the provided request. Required permissions: - credit.creditbundleusage.list on the organization identified by the given organization ID.

ListCreditUsageReports ListCreditUsageReportsRequest CreditUsageReportList

List the credit reports for the organization identified by the given organization ID that match the given criteria. Required permissions: - credit.creditusagereport.list on the organization identified by the given organization ID

GetCreditUsageReport CreditUsageReport

Get a credit usage report identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - credit.creditusagereport.get on the organization that owns the report.

GetCreditUsageReportPDF PDFDocument stream

Get a credit usage report identified by the given ID, as a PDF document. The server sends the PDF over a stream once rendered. The stream is closed after the PDF is sent. Required permissions: - credit.creditusagereport.get on the organization that owns the report.

GetCreditBundleUsageProjection GetCreditBundleUsageProjectionRequest CreditBundleUsageProjection

Get credit usage projection for an organization identified by the given organization ID. This will return a projected credit usage for each month in the future, until the credits run out. Required permissions: - credit.creditbundleusageprojection.get on the organization identified by the given organization ID.

GetOrganizationCreditDebt CreditDebt

Get the total amount of credit debt accrued by an organization identified by the ID. An organization starts accumulating debt from the moment it runs out of credits. The debt is paid off upon purchasing additional credit bundles. Note: debt usage is allowed only for a limited period of time, after which the organization's deployments are paused. Required permissions: - credit.creditdebt.get on the organization identified by the given organization ID.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/credit/v1/api-version
ListCreditBundles GET /api/credit/v1/{organization_id}/creditbundles
ListCreditBundlesUsage GET /api/credit/v1/{organization_id}/creditbundleusages
ListCreditUsageReports GET /api/credit/v1/{organization_id}/creditusagereports
GetCreditUsageReport GET /api/credit/v1/creditusagereport/{id}
GetCreditUsageReportPDF POST /api/credit/v1/creditusagereport/{id}/pdf *
GetCreditBundleUsageProjection GET /api/credit/v1/{organization_id}/creditbundleusages/projection
GetOrganizationCreditDebt GET /api/credit/v1/{id}/creditdebt




A CACertificate is represents a self-signed certificate authority used to sign

TLS certificates for deployments & client authentication.

id string

System identifier of the CA certificate. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the CA certificate

description string

Description of the CA certificate

project_id string

Identifier of the project that owns this CA certificate. This value cannot be changed after creation.

lifetime google.protobuf.Duration

Time from creation of the CA certificate to expiration. This value cannot be changed after creation.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the CA certificate This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the CA certificate This is a read-only value.

expires_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The expiration timestamp of the CA certificate This is a read-only value.

certificate_pem string

A PEM encoded representation of the public key of the CA certificate. This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this CA certificate is deleted. This is a read-only value.

is_expired bool

Set when this CA certificate has expired. This is a read-only value.

will_expire_soon bool

Set when this CA certificate will expire in the next month. This is a read-only value.

is_default bool

Set when this certificate is the default in its project. This is a read-only value.

use_well_known_certificate bool

When enabled, deployments using this certificate use a well known TLS certificate on the 8529 port. The self-signed certificates is always hosted on port 18529.

locked bool

If set, this certificate cannot be deleted. To delete, first update the with locked set to false.

rotation_needed bool

Set when this CA certificate will expire in the next 48 hours. This is a read-only value.

cloned_from_id string

If set, contains the ID of a CA certificate from which this certificate was cloned. This is a read-only value.


Instructions for installing & uninstalling CA certificates

platforms CACertificateInstructions.PlatformInstructions repeated

Per platform instructions for install/uninstall of the CA certificate


Instructions for a specific platform

platform string

Human readable description of platform. E.g. "MacOS"

install_steps string repeated

Steps needed to install

uninstall_steps string repeated

Steps needed to uninstall


List of CACertificates.

items CACertificate repeated


Request arguments for ListCACertificatesWithFilter.


Common list options. Context_id is ignored.

project_id string

Required ID of project to list certificates for.

cloned_from_id string

If set, include only certificates that were cloned from the certificate with this ID.


CryptoService is the API used to configure various crypto objects.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListCACertificates CACertificateList

Fetch all CA certificates in the project identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - crypto.cacertificate.list on the project identified by the given context ID

ListCACertificatesWithFilter ListCACertificatesRequest CACertificateList

Fetch all CA certificates in the project identified by the given project ID that match the given filter. Required permissions: - crypto.cacertificate.list on the project identified by the given context ID

GetCACertificate CACertificate

Fetch a CA certificate by its id. Required permissions: - crypto.cacertificate.get on the CA certificate identified by the given ID

GetCACertificateInstructions CACertificateInstructions

Fetch instructions for installing & unistalling a CA certificate identified by its id on various platforms. Required permissions: - crypto.cacertificate.get on the CA certificate identified by the given ID

CreateCACertificate CACertificate CACertificate

Create a new CA certificate Required permissions: - crypto.cacertificate.create on the project that owns the CA certificate

CloneCACertificate CACertificate

Clone a CA certificate identified by given id. Required permissions: - crypto.cacertificate.clone on the project that owns the CA certificate identified by the given ID

UpdateCACertificate CACertificate CACertificate

Update a CA certificate Required permissions: - crypto.cacertificate.update on the CA certificate


Delete a CA certificate Note that CA certificate are initially only marked for deleted. Once all the resources that depend on it are removed the CA certificate itself is deleted and cannot be restored. Required permissions: - crypto.cacertificate.delete on the CA certificate

SetDefaultCACertificate CACertificate

Mark the given CA certificate as default for its containing project. Required permissions: - crypto.cacertificate.set-default on the project that owns the certificate.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/crypto/v1/api-version
ListCACertificates GET /api/crypto/v1/projects/{context_id}/cacertificates
ListCACertificatesWithFilter POST /api/crypto/v1/projects/{project_id}/cacertificates/list *
GetCACertificate GET /api/crypto/v1/cacertificates/{id}
GetCACertificateInstructions GET /api/crypto/v1/cacertificates/{id}/instructions
CreateCACertificate POST /api/crypto/v1/projects/{project_id}/cacertificates *
CloneCACertificate POST /api/crypto/v1/cacertificates/{id}/clone
UpdateCACertificate PATCH /api/crypto/v1/cacertificates/{id} *
DeleteCACertificate DELETE /api/crypto/v1/cacertificates/{id}
SetDefaultCACertificate POST /api/crypto/v1/projects/{project_id}/cacertificates/default *




Currency represents a specific monetary currency.

id string

System identifier of the currency. E.g. "eur" or "usd"

name string

Human readable name of the currency E.g. "US Dollar"

sign string

Human readable sign for the currency. E.g. "$"

iso4217_code string

ISO 4217 currency code. E.g. "USD"


List of currencies.

items Currency repeated


Request arguments for GetDefaultCurrency.

organization_id string

Optional identifier for the organization to request the default currency for.


CurrencyService is the API used to query for supported currencies.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListCurrencies CurrencyList

Fetch all providers that are supported by the ArangoDB cloud. Required permissions: - None

GetCurrency Currency

Fetch a currency by its id. Required permissions: - None

GetDefaultCurrency GetDefaultCurrencyRequest Currency

Fetch the default currency for a given (optional) organization. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.get On the organization identified by given id. - None In case no organization identifier was given.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/currency/v1/api-version
ListCurrencies GET /api/currency/v1/currencies
GetCurrency GET /api/currency/v1/currencies/{id}
GetDefaultCurrency GET /api/currency/v1/default-currency




DashboardService is the API used for the dashboard.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None (authenticated only)


Get the runtime version of this service. This is the same info as we expose on window.VERSION and can be used to see if the latest version is loaded in the browser. Required permissions: - None (authenticated only)

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/dashboard/v1/api-version
GetVersion GET /api/dashboard/v1/version




CPUSize specifies the a specific level of CPU for a node.

id string

System identifier of the size (e.g. standard)

name string

Human readable name of the size (e.g. Standard)


List of CPU sizes.

items CPUSize repeated


Request arguments for CalculateDeploymentSize

coordinators int32

Number of coordinators of the deployment This field is ignored unless model is "flexible".

coordinator_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for each coordinator. This field is ignored unless model is "flexible".

dbservers int32

Number of dbservers of the deployment This field is ignored unless model is "flexible".

dbserver_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for each dbserver. This field is ignored unless model is "flexible".

dbserver_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space (in GB) to allocate for each dbserver. This field is ignored unless model is "flexible".

model string

Type of model being used

node_size_id string

Size of nodes being used

node_count int32

Number of nodes being used

node_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space per node (in GB)

region_id string

ID of region in which the deployment will be created.


Instructions for connecting a driver to a deployment

drivers ConnectDriverInstructions.DriverInstructions repeated

Per driver instructions for connecting to a deployment


Instructions for a specific driver

name string

Human readable name of the driver. E.g. "ArangoDB Go driver"

code string repeated

Lines of code

remarks string repeated

Human readable remarks

driver_url string

URL for getting more information on the driver.


Request arguments for CreateTestDatabase

deployment_id string

The id of the deployment


CreateTestDatabaseResponse will contain the json formatted output of the create operation

db_name string

Name of the created database

username string

Username of the created user

password string

Password of the created user

hostname string

Hostname of the database

port string

Port of the database


DataVolumeInfo provides information about a data volume

total_bytes int64

The total number of bytes of the data volume.

used_bytes int64

The number of bytes used on the data volume.

available_bytes int64

The number of bytes available on the data volume.

total_inodes int64

The total number of inodes of the data volume.

used_inodes int64

The number of inodes used on the data volume.

available_inodes int64

The number of inodes available on the data volume.

measured_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

When this info has been measused


A Deployment is represents one deployment of an ArangoDB cluster.

id string

System identifier of the deployment. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the deployment

description string

Description of the deployment

project_id string

Identifier of the project that owns this deployment. After creation, this value cannot be changed.

region_id string

Identifier of the region in which the deployment is created. After creation, this value cannot be changed.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the deployment This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the deployment This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this deployment is deleted. This is a read-only value.

support_plan_id string

Optional identifier of the support plan selected for this deployment. After creation, this value cannot be changed. If no support plan identifier is set, the default support plan is used.

created_by_id string

Identifier of the user who created this deployment. This is a read-only value.

accepted_terms_and_conditions_id string

This field must be set to the identifier of the current Terms&Conditions when creating a deployment. If the tier of the organization does not require a non-empty Terms&Condition identifier, this field may be left empty. This is a read-only value after creation.

locked bool

If set, this deployment cannot be deleted. To delete, first update the with locked set to false.

is_paused bool

Indicates that this deployment is paused. Use the data.ResumeDeployment method to resume (aka unpause) the deployment. This is a read-only value.

last_paused_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last paused timestamp of the deployment. This is the timestamp that is_paused is transitioned from unset to set. This is a read-only value.

last_resumed_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last resumed timestamp of the deployment. This is the timestamp that is_paused is transitioned from set to unset. This is a read-only value.

prepaid_deployment_id string

Identifier of the prepaid deployment that this deployment is attached to (if any). This is a read-only value.

disable_foxx_authentication bool

If set, authentication for Foxx requests is disabled. Be default this field is not set for new deployments.

prepaid_deployment_starts_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

When the prepaid deployments starts (relevant when prepaid_deployment_id is set only) This is a read-only value

prepaid_deployment_ends_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

When the prepaid deployments ends (relevant when prepaid_deployment_id is set only) This is a read-only value

is_prepaid_deployment_update_available bool

Whenever deployment can be updated to new values from prepaid deployment This is a read-only value

private_endpoint bool

Set if the deployment use a private endpoint. This is a read-only value after creation. If set during creation a private endpoint service will be created.

version string

ArangoDB version to use for this deployment. See Version.version. If you change this value to a higher version, the deployment will be upgraded. If you change this value to a lower patch value, the deployment will be downgraded. Any attempt to change to a lower minor or major version is considered an invalid request. Any attempt to change to a version that is not in the list of available versions is considered an invalid request.

replace_version_by ReplaceVersionBy

If set, this deployment will be upgraded to the ArangoDB release with the version as listed in this field.

upgrade_recommendation UpgradeVersionRecommendation

If set, it is recommended to upgrade to the ArangoDB release with the version as listed in this field.

version_is_end_of_life bool

If set, the version used by this deployment is no longer actively supported. This is a readonly field.

certificates Deployment.CertificateSpec

servers Deployment.ServersSpec

ipallowlist_id string

Optional identifier of IP allowlist to use for this deployment.

model Deployment.ModelSpec

custom_image string

If provided, dataclusterd will use this custom image tag instead of the configured one for a given version. Further, ImagePullPolicy will be set to Always. This field can only be set by selected organizations.

iamprovider_id string

Optional identifier of IAM provider to use for this deployment.

disk_performance_id string

Optional identifier of disk performance to use for this deployment.

disk_performance_locked bool

If set, the disk performance cannot be updated, due to other reasons than the disk rate limit. This is a read-only value

disk_rate_limit_period google.protobuf.Duration

Disk rate limit is the (fixed) period required to wait before a next disk action can be executed. A value of 0 means that there is no rate limit. If now - (last_disk_performance_updated_at or last_disk_size_updated_at) > disk_rate_limit_period it is not allowed to update dbserver_disk_size or disk_performance_id.

last_disk_performance_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp when the last time the disk performance has been updated. This is a read-only value

last_disk_size_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp when the last time the disk size has been updated. This is a read-only value

disk_rate_limit_active google.protobuf.Duration

Disk rate limit active is the active period required to wait before a next disk action can be executed. The difference between disk_rate_limit_period and this field is that disk_rate_limit_period is a constant value (independent) if the rate limit is active, this field will count down, if the field is 0 you can modify. If this field is set it is not allowed to update dbserver_disk_size or disk_performance_id. This is a read-only value

status Deployment.Status

size DeploymentSize

Detailed size of the deployment This is a read-only field.

expiration Deployment.Expiration

backup_restore Deployment.BackupRestoreSpec

Information about a backup restore. If this field is set the deployment will be restored to that backup. This is a read-only field. To set this field please use the backup service RestoreBackup method.

deployment_recommendations DeploymentSizeRecommendation repeated

Recommendations made for deployments using the "oneshard" or "sharded" model.

is_clone bool

Set if this deployment is a clone and should be handled differently. After bootstrapping a clone needs a restore operation. This is a read-only property

clone_backup_id string

The ID of the backup to restore this clone deployment from. This is a read-only property

notification_settings Deployment.NotificationSettings

Deployment's notification settings

disk_auto_size_settings Deployment.DiskAutoSizeSettings

Deployment's disk autoscaling settings [Deprecated] This setting isn't supported anymore. To increase disk space you need to switch to a larger node-size [e.g. A8 (with 80Gib)--> A16 (with 160 Gib)]

is_scheduled_root_password_rotation_enabled bool

Determines if root's password scheduled rotation is enabled for the deployment. This is a readonly field.

last_root_password_rotated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Time when the last time root password rotated for the deployment. For the existing deployments, this field is not set until they enable scheduled root password rotation. For the new deployments, this field will have the same value with deployment's `created_at`. This is a readonly field.

deployment_profile_id string

Optional identifier of the deployment profile for this deployment. After creation, this value cannot be changed.

is_platform_authentication_enabled bool

Determines if deployment is using platform authentication

intended_use_case string

The (optional) intended use-case for this deployment

drop_vst_support bool

If set to true, drop support for deprecated VST protocol and improve resilience. Defaults to false.

notifications Deployment.NotificationsEntry repeated

Defines notifications attached to the Deployment


Information about a backup restore.

All members of this message are read-only.

revision int32

The revision of this BackupRestoreSpec

last_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the last revision has been updated.

restored_by_id string

Identifier of the user that restored this backup. This is a read-only value.

backup_id string

Identifier of a backup to restore to.


The status of backup restore

All members of this message are read-only.

revision int32

The revision of the used BackupRestoreSpec

last_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the backup restore status was updated.

restoring bool

Set if the deployment is preparing or restoring a backup

status string

Status of the restore backup operation. Enum of the following values: "<empty>|Preparing|Restoring|Restored|Failed"

failure_reason string

Failure reason of the backup restore (if applicable)


ca_certificate_id string

Identifier of the CACertificate used to sign TLS certificates for the deployment. If you change this value after the creation of the deployment a complete rotation of the deployment is required, which will result in some downtime.

alternate_dns_names string repeated

Zero or more DNS names to include in the TLS certificate of the deployment.


Deployment's disk autoscaling settings

maximum_node_disk_size int32

Maximum allowed disk size that a node can reach (in GB). [Deprecated] This setting isn't supported anymore.


Expiration of the deployment.

All members of this message are read-only.

expires_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The expiration timestamp of the deployment If not set, the deployment will not expire.

reason string

Human readable reason for why the deployment expires (or does not expire).

last_warning_email_send_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the last "this deployment will expire at" email was send. If not set, no such email has been send.

last_warning_email_send_to string repeated

List of email addresses to which the last warning email has been send. Not set when no such email has been send.


model string

Type of model being used

node_size_id string

Size of nodes being used This field is ignored set in case the flexible model is used.

node_count int32

Number of nodes being used This field is ignored set in case the flexible model is used.

node_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space per node (in GB) This field is ignored set in case the flexible model is used.


Deployment's notification settings

email_addresses string repeated

Email addresses that notifications related to this deployment should be sent to.


key string

value Notification


Status of a single server (of the ArangoDB cluster)

id string

ID of the server

type string

Type of server (agent|coordinator|dbserver)

description string

Human readable description of the status of the deployment.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the server

ready bool

Set once the server is ready

member_of_cluster bool

Set once the server has been known to be a member of the cluster

failed bool

Set if the server is in a failed state Every server is always in 1 (and only 1) of these states: failed/creating/ok/bad/upgrading.

creating bool

Set if the server is still being created Every server is always in 1 (and only 1) of these states: failed/creating/ok/bad/upgrading.

ok bool

Set if the server is in the ok state. Every server is always in 1 (and only 1) of these states: failed/creating/ok/bad/upgrading.

bad bool

Set if the server is in the bad state. Every server is always in 1 (and only 1) of these states: failed/creating/ok/bad/upgrading.

upgrading bool

Set if the server is still being upgraded Every server is always in 1 (and only 1) of these states: failed/creating/ok/bad/upgrading.

version string

Latest known ArangoDB version used by this server. Initially this field is empty.

last_started_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last started timestamp of the server

rotation_pending bool

If set, a rotation of this server has been requested.

can_be_deleted bool

If set, this server reports that it can be deleted.

is_leader bool

If set, this server is leader in its type (currently applies only to agents).

data_volume_info DataVolumeInfo

Information about the data volume used to store the data

recent_restarts int32

Recent number of restarts

last_memory_usage int64

Last known memory usage in bytes

last_cpu_usage float

Last known CPU usage in vCPU units

last_memory_limit int64

Last known memory limit in bytes

last_cpu_limit float

Last known CPU limit in vCPU units


coordinators int32

Number of coordinators of the deployment This field is automatically set unless the flexible model is used.

coordinator_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for coordinators. This field is automatically set unless the flexible model is used.

coordinator_args string repeated

Custom command line arguments passed to all coordinators. This field is ignored set unless the flexible model is used.

dbservers int32

Number of dbservers of the deployment This field is automatically set unless the flexible model is used.

dbserver_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for dbservers. This field is automatically set unless the flexible model is used.

dbserver_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space (in GB) to allocate for dbservers. This field is automatically set unless the flexible model is used.

dbserver_args string repeated

Custom command line arguments passed to all dbservers. This field is ignored set unless the flexible model is used.

minimum_dbservers_count int32

The minimum number of dbservers based on the highest replication factor defined by all databases and all collections.

minimum_dbserver_disk_size int32

The minimum amount of disk space (in GB) to allocate for dbservers based on the highest usage of all running DB servers. The nearest size (larger then indicated here) need to be depected if the provider doesn't support all values (See GetServersSpecLimits)


Status of the deployment

All members of this field are read-only.

endpoint string

Endpoint URL used to reach the deployment This value will be empty during the creation of the deployment. This field always contains the URL of the low port (8529) of the deployment. If a certificate with well known certificate is used, this port is using the well known certificate. Otherwise this port is using the self-signed certificate.

description string

Human readable description of the status of the deployment.

created bool

Set once the deployment has been created.

ready bool

Set if the deployment is ready to be used. If the deployment has downtime (e.g. because of changing a CA certificate) this will go to false until the downtime is over.

upgrading bool

Set if the deployment is being upgraded.

server_versions string repeated

Versions of running servers

servers Deployment.ServerStatus repeated

Status of individual servers of the deployment

bootstrapped_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Set if the ready boolean is transitioned to true for the very first time.

bootstrapped bool

Set if bootstrapped_at has a value, otherwise false.

endpoint_self_signed string

Endpoint URL used to reach the deployment on the port that uses the self-signed certificate. This endpoint is recommended for machine-to-database connections.

endpoint_default string

Endpoint URL used to reach the deployment on default port (443) This value will be empty during the creation of the deployment. If a certificate with well known certificate is used, this port is using the well known certificate. Otherwise this port is using the self-signed certificate. This endpoint is recommended for human-to-database connections.

private_endpoint bool

If set, this deployment has a private endpoint, however can contain the public endpoint as well. When switching from a public endpoint to a private endpoint the public endpoint will be available for an hour to support seemlessly migration to the private endpoint.

private_endpoint_only bool

If set, this deployment has a private endpoint only. When switching from a public endpoint to a private endpoint the public endpoint will be available for an hour to support seemlessly migration to the private endpoint.

endpoint_private_endpoint string

Endpoint URL used to reach the deployment which is configured as a private endpoint. This field always contains the URL of the low port (8529) of the deployment. If a certificate with well known certificate is used, this port is using the well known certificate, note that the alternate DNS names are not part of this certificate. Otherwise this port is using the self-signed certificate. This endpoint is recommended for human-to-database connections. If no private endpoint is configured this field will be empty.

endpoint_private_endpoint_self_signed string

Endpoint URL used to reach the deployment on the port that uses the self-signed certificate. This certificate will contain the specified alternate DNS names as well, so a secure TLS connection can be establised. This endpoint is recommended for machine-to-database connections. If no private endpoint is configured this field will be empty.

endpoint_private_endpoint_default string

Private Endpoint URL used to reach the deployment on default port (443) This value will be empty during the creation of the deployment & private endpoint. this port is using the well known certificate.

backup_restore_status Deployment.BackupRestoreStatus

The status of backup restore (if applicable). This field will be set to empty if a new revision of the spec is available

total_backup_size_bytes int64

The total size of all backups in the external source (in bytes)

backup_upload_in_progress bool

Set if there is any backup currently uploading data to the external source

is_up_to_date bool

Set if the deployment is up-to-date and has no pending updates.

read_only bool

Set if the deployment is in read-only mode.


Result for GetDeploymentCredentials

username string

Name of the user for which credentials were asked. Default to username of root user.

password string

Password of the user for which credentials were asked.


Request arguments for GetDeploymentCredentials

deployment_id string

Identifier of deployment to request credentials for.

reason string

Reason for requesting the credentials


Features that are available to new deployments in a given context.

iamprovider bool

Is the use of an IAM provider available?

pause bool

Is the use of the pause feature available?

ml bool

Is the use of the ML features available?

monitoring bool

Is the use of monitoring feature available?


Request arguments for GetDeploymentFeatures

project_id string

Identifier of project that will own a deployment.

region_id string

Identifier of a region in which a deployment will be created.

model string

Model of the intended deployment.

node_size_id string

Node size use for the intended deployments


List of Deployments.

items Deployment repeated

Actual deployments


Budget for deployments


DeploymentModel specifies the a specific model of deploying

arangodb clusters.

id string

System identifier of the model (e.g. oneshard)

name string

Human readable name of the model (e.g. One shard)

features DeploymentModel.Features

deployment_ttl int64

Limit the time-to-live of deployments created with this model. Time-to-live (till expiration) is expressed in seconds. A value of '0' means no expiration.


Features that are available to deployments of this model type.

ml_free_trial bool

If set, ML is available as a trial only.

private_endpoints bool

If set, private endpoints are allowed for this deployment model.

metrics_endpoint bool

If set, metrics endpoint integration is allowed for this deployment model.

backup_uploads bool

If set, backups for this deployment model are allowed to be uploaded to the cloud.


List of deployment models.

items DeploymentModel repeated


price_per_hour float

Price per hour in given currency for the deployment.

network_transfer_prices DeploymentPrice.NetworkTransferPrice repeated

Network transfer prices (variable depending on usage)

backup_price DeploymentPrice.BackupPrice

Backup prices (variable depending on usage)

currency_id string

Identifier of the currency in which the price is specified.

auditlog_price DeploymentPrice.AuditLogPrice

AuditLog prices (variable depending on usage)


price_per_gb_per_hour float

Price per GB/hour of audit logs in cloud storage (destination=cloud)

https_post_invocation_price_per_1000 float

Price per 1.000 HTTPS Post invocations (destination=https-post)

https_post_body_size_price_per_gb float

Price per GB HTTPS Post body size (destination=https-post)


price_per_gb_per_hour float

Price per GB/hour of uploaded backup storage


ingress_price_per_gb float

Price per GB of network transfer into the database

egress_price_per_gb float

Price per GB of network transfer out of the database

description string

Description of this price


Arguments for requesting a price a deployment of given properties.

organization_id string

Identifier of organization containing the deployment.

project_id string

Identifier of project containing the deployment.

support_plan_id string

Identifier of the support plan of the deployment.

cloud_provider_id string

Identifier of the cloud provider of the deployment.

cloud_region_id string

Identifier of the cloud region of the deployment.

model string

Model of the deployment.

node_size_id string

Node size use for deployments

node_count int32

Number of nodes being used This field is ignored if model is "flexible".

node_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space per node (in GB) This field is ignored if model is "flexible".

coordinators int32

Number of coordinators of the deployment This field is ignored unless model is "flexible".

coordinator_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for each coordinator. This field is ignored unless model is "flexible".

dbservers int32

Number of dbservers of the deployment This field is ignored unless model is "flexible".

dbserver_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for each dbserver. This field is ignored unless model is "flexible".

dbserver_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space (in GB) to allocate for each dbserver. This field is ignored unless model is "flexible".

disk_performance_id string

Identifier of disk performance used for this deployment (if any).

use_credit_pricing bool

If set, request for prices based on ArangoGraph credits.


Result of CalculateDeploymentSize

agents int32

Number of agents

agent_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for each agent.

agent_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space (in GB) to allocate for each agent.

total_memory_size int32

Total (combined) amount of memory (in GB) used by all servers (agents, coordinators & dbservers)

total_disk_size int32

Total (combined) amount of disk space (in GB) used by all servers (agents & dbservers)

coordinators int32

Number of coordinators

coordinator_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for each coordinator.

dbservers int32

Number of dbservers

dbserver_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for each dbserver.

dbserver_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space (in GB) to allocate for each dbserver.


Response of RecommendDeploymentSize.

request DeploymentSizeRequest

Request that resulted in this recommendation.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Time when the recommendation was made.

node_memory_size int32

Amount of memory space per node (in GB) being recommended

node_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space per node (in GB) being recommended

node_count int32

Number of nodes being recommended

exceeds_quota bool

If set, this recommendation does not fit in the callers quota.

exceeds_platform bool

If set, this recommendation does not fit in the ArangoGraph Insights Platform.


Request arguments for RecommendDeploymentSize.

dataset_size int32

Size of entire dataset (on disk) in GB. Required field. Must be >= 1.

usecase string

Primary use case for the database Possible values: - GRAPH - DOCUMENT - MULTIMODEL - KEYVALUE

model string

Customer preferred model

file_format string

File format on dataset Possible values: - JSON - CSV

number_of_documents int64

Number of documents in the entire dataset (in case of JSON). Number of rows in the entire dataset (in case of CSV).

number_of_columns int32

Largest number of columns of the dataset (in case of CSV).

working_set_percentage float

Percentage of dataset_size that is considered "hot" Must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0

access_read_percentage float

Percentage of operations that are READ Must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0

access_create_percentage float

Percentage of operations that are CREATE Must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0

access_update_percentage float

Percentage of operations that are UPDATE Must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0

growth_rate float

Increase factor of the dataset_size in 1 year.

replication_factor int32

Desired number of replicas. Must be >= 3 and <= 5

project_id string

Identifier of project to request a recommendation in

region_id string

Identifier of region to request a recommendation in


DiskPerformance provides information on a specific disk performance option.

All fields in this message are read-only values.

id string

System identifier of the disk-performance.

name string

Name of the disk-performance.

description string

Description of the disk-performance.

is_default bool

If set, this is the default disk performance (inside the requested region).


List of DiskPerformances.

items DiskPerformance repeated


GetDiskPerformanceRequest is used as request in GetDiskPerformance

disk_performance_id string

disk performance identifier (e.g. 'DP30')

region_id string

Identifier of the region (e.g. 'aks-westeurope').


Instructions for importing data into a deployment

import_dump string repeated

Lines of code to run arangorestore

arango_import_json string repeated

Lines of code to run arangoimport with json file format

arango_import_csv string repeated

Lines of code to run arangoimport with csv file format

arango_import_tsv string repeated

Lines of code to run arangoimport with tsv file format


Request arguments for ListCPUSizes

project_id string

Identifier of project that will own a deployment.

deployment_id string

Optional identifier of a deployment for which CPU sizes are requested. If specified, only those CPU sizes are listed, that an existing deployment is allowed to have. If specified, project_id field is ignored, and instead read from the deployment.


Request arguments for ListDeploymentModels

project_id string

Identifier of project that will own a deployment.

deployment_id string

Optional identifier of a deployment, so the current model can be added to the list if needed This deployment should be inside the provided project


Request arguments for ListDeploymentsByFilter.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization to request the deployments for.

project_id string

Return only deployments created in this project. This is an optional field.

region_id string

Return only deployments created in this region. This is an optional field.

expires_after google.protobuf.Timestamp

Return only deployments with an expiration date after this timestamp. This will exclude deployments that have no expiration date. This is an optional field.

expires_before google.protobuf.Timestamp

Return only deployments with an expiration date before this timestamp. This will exclude deployments that have no expiration date. This is an optional field.

does_not_expire bool

Return only deployments that do not expire.


Optional common list options, the context_id is ignored


ListDiskPerformancesRequest is used as request in ListAllDiskPerformances

region_id string

Identifier of the region (e.g. 'aks-westeurope'). This field is ignored when a deployment_id is provided, otherwise required.

node_size_id string

Identifier of the node size (e.g. 'A16'). This field is ignored when a deployment_id is provided, otherwise required.

dbserver_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space (in GB) to allocate for each dbserver. This field is ignored when a deployment_id is provided, otherwise required.

organization_id string

Optional identifier of the organization for which the disk performances need to be listed. If specified, only those disk performances are listed that the organization is allowed to use for a deployment of a given node_size_id. This field is ignored when a deployment_id is provided.

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deloyment, used to fill-out the region, node-size and disk-size.


Request arguments for ListVersions.


Common list options

organization_id string

If set, the result includes all versions for that are available for the organization identified by this ID. If not set, only versions are returned that are available to all organizations.

current_version string

If set, only versions will be returned that are safe to upgrade to from this version.


NodeSize specifies the size constraints of different data nodes.

id string

System identifier of the node size

name string

Human readable name of the node size

memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) that is available on this size of node.

min_disk_size int32

Minimum amount of disk (in GB) that is available on this size of node.

max_disk_size int32

Maximum amount of disk (in GB) that is available on this size of node.

cpu_size string

CPU size that is available on this size of node (e.g. standard or high).

disk_sizes int32 repeated

If set, contains list of possible disk sizes (in GB) for the node. In that case, this field overrides the min_disk_size & max_disk_size fields.


List of node sizes.

items NodeSize repeated


Request arguments for ListNodeSizes

project_id string

Identifier of project that will own a deployment.

region_id string

Identifier of a region in which a deployment will be created.

deployment_id string

If set, project_id & region_id will be taken from this deployment. This also causes the node_size used by this deployment to be included in the result, if it it would not match for new deployments.

model string

Identifier of a model of a new deployment will be created. If set, all node sizes available for this model will be returned, otherwise only node sizes that have no restrictions on model will be returned.

organization_id string

Optional identifier of organization that will own a deployment. Ignored if project_id or deployment_id is set.

include_restricted bool

Optional field to include node sizes that are otherwise restricted for the specified projectID / organizationID. By default, the result is restricted based on the organization and project tiers/quotas. Ignored when project_id is "all" and organization_id is not provided.


Define the Notification details

notification string

String representation of the Notification

severity NotificationSeverity

Notification Severity

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the notification has been created.

updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the notification has been updated.

expires_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the notification expires.


RebalanceDeploymentShardsRequest request for rebalancing shards for a deployment

deployment_id string

The id of the deployment


ReplaceVersionBy holds replacement instructions.

version string

The version of the ArangoDB release that it will be upgraded to. Version in the format of major.minor.patch Format details can be found at:

reason string

Human readable reason why this version will be replaced.

auto_update_date google.protobuf.Timestamp

Date when the current version will be replaced automatically with the new version. If this field isn’t set (or present) it means no automatic update will happen.


RotateDeploymentServerRequest request for rotating out servers for a deployment

deployment_id string

The id of the deployment this server belongs to.

server_id string

The id of the server to rotate out.


Limits of allowed values for fields of Deployment.ServersSpec.

coordinators ServersSpecLimits.Limits

Limits for the number of coordinators of the deployment

coordinator_memory_size ServersSpecLimits.Limits

Possible values for the amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for coordinators.

dbservers ServersSpecLimits.Limits

Limits for the number of dbservers of the deployment

dbserver_memory_size ServersSpecLimits.Limits

Possible values for the amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for dbservers.

dbserver_disk_size ServersSpecLimits.Limits

Amount of disk space (in GB) to allocate for dbservers.

node_memory_size ServersSpecLimits.Limits

Possible values for the amount of memory (in GB) to allocate for pairs of coordinator, dbserver.

node_count ServersSpecLimits.Limits

Possible values for the number of nodes. Value must be min/max (not using allowed_values)


min int32

Minimum value

max int32

Maximum value

allowed_values int32 repeated

Set of allowed values. If this field is non-empty, only one of these values is allowed.


Request arguments for ListServersSpecLimits

project_id string

Identifier of project that will own a deployment.

region_id string

Identifier of a region in which a deployment will be created.

deployment_id string

Optional identifier of a deployment for which compatible server specifications are request.


Request arguments for UpdateDeploymentScheduledRootPasswordRotation

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deloyment.

enabled bool

Whether scheduled root password rotation should be enabled or not.


UpgradeVersionRecommendation holds a recommendation for updating this version.

version string

The version of the ArangoDB release that it it is recommend to upgraded to. Version in the format of major.minor.patch Format details can be found at:

reason string

Human readable reason why this version should be upgraded.


Version of an ArangoDB release

version string

Version in the format of major.minor.patch Format details can be found at:

replace_by ReplaceVersionBy

If set, deployments using this version will be upgraded to the ArangoDB release with the version as listed in this message.

upgrade_recommendation UpgradeVersionRecommendation

If set, deployments using this version are recommend to be upgraded to the ArangoDB release with the version as listed in this message.

is_end_of_life bool

If set, this version is not longer actively supported.

release_notes_url string

ArangoDB version release notes


List of Versions.

items Version repeated


NotificationSeverity keeps possible severities for notifications


Defines Info level Notification Severity


Defines Warning level Notification Severity


Defines Critical level Notification Severity


DataService is the API used to configure data objects.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListDeployments DeploymentList

Fetch all deployments in the project identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - data.deployment.list on the project identified by the given context ID

ListDeploymentsByFilter ListDeploymentsByFilterRequest DeploymentList

Fetch all deployments in the organization identified by the given filter. Only the deployments with sufficient permissions are returned. If the caller has no such permission on any of the deployments (in the organization) an empty list is returned, not an error. Required permissions: - None (authenticated only) - data.deployment.list on the filtered deployment(s)

GetDeployment Deployment

Fetch a deployment by its id. Required permissions: - data.deployment.get on the deployment identified by the given ID

GetDeploymentUpdates Deployment stream

Fetch all updates (spec and/or status) of the deployment that matches the given request. Required permissions: - data.deployment.get on the deployment identified by the given ID

CreateDeployment Deployment Deployment

Create a new deployment Required permissions: - data.deployment.create on the project that owns the deployment - network.privateendpointservice.create on the project that owns the deployment (if private_endpoint field is set) Note that deployment.status & deployment.expiration are ignored in this request.

UpdateDeployment Deployment Deployment

Update a deployment Required permissions: - data.deployment.update on the deployment Note that deployment.status & deployment.expiration are ignored in this request.

UpdateDeploymentScheduledRootPasswordRotation UpdateDeploymentScheduledRootPasswordRotationRequest

Update the setting for scheduled root password rotation Required permissions: - data.deployment.update-scheduled-root-password-rotation


Delete a deployment Note that deployments are initially only marked for deletion. Once all their resources are removed the deployment itself is removed. Required permissions: - data.deployment.delete on the deployment

GetDeploymentCredentials DeploymentCredentialsRequest DeploymentCredentials

Fetch credentials for accessing deployment by its id. Required permissions: - data.deployment.get on the deployment identified by the given ID - data.deploymentcredentials.get on the deployment identified by the given ID

ListVersions ListVersionsRequest VersionList

Fetch all ArangoDB versions that are available for deployments. Required permissions: - None

GetDefaultVersion Version

Fetch the default ArangoDB version for new deployment. Required permissions: - None

GetVersion Version

Fetch the ArangoDB version by its id (semver). Required permissions: - None

GetServersSpecLimits ServersSpecLimitsRequest ServersSpecLimits

Fetch the limits for server specifications for deployments owned by the given projected, created in the given region. Required permissions: - data.limits.get on the requested project - data.deployment.get on the specified deployment (if deployment_id is set) This method is deprecated and will be remove in the very near future, do not use this method anymore

ListNodeSizes NodeSizesRequest NodeSizeList

Fetch the node sizes available for deployments owned by the project with given ID, created in the given region with given ID. If project ID "all" is used, then all node sizes for the region with given ID are returned. Required permissions: - data.nodesize.list on the requested deployment (if deployment ID is set) - data.nodesize.list on the requested project (if project ID does not equal "all") - data.nodesize.list on the requested organization (if organization ID is set) - None if project ID does equals "all"

ListDeploymentModels ListDeploymentModelsRequest DeploymentModelList

Fetch the models available for deployments owned by the project with given ID. Required permissions: - data.deploymentmodel.list on the requested project

ListCPUSizes ListCPUSizesRequest CPUSizeList

Fetch the CPU sizes available for deployments owned by the project with given ID. Required permissions: - data.cpusize.list on the requested project

GetDeploymentModel DeploymentModel

Get the deployment model identified by the provided ID. Required permissions: - None (authenticated only)

CalculateDeploymentSize CalculateDeploymentSizeRequest DeploymentSize

Calculate the total size of a deployment with given arguments. Required permissions: - none

RecommendDeploymentSize DeploymentSizeRequest DeploymentSizeRecommendation

Recommend a deployment size, for a oneshard or sharded deployments, using the given input values. Required permissions: - none

GetConnectDriverInstructions ConnectDriverInstructions

Fetch instructions for connecting drivers to the deployment identified by the given id. Required permissions: - data.deployment.get on the deployment identified by the given ID

GetImportDataInstructions ImportDataInstructions

Fetch instructions for importing data into the deployment identified by the given id. Required permissions: - data.deployment.get on the deployment identified by the given ID

CalculateDeploymentPrice DeploymentPriceRequest DeploymentPrice

Calculate the price of a deployment of given settings. Required permissions: - data.deploymentprice.calculate

GetDeploymentFeatures DeploymentFeaturesRequest DeploymentFeatures

Get the features that will be available to a deployment in the given context. Required permissions: - data.deploymentfeatures.get on the project that is given in the request.


Pauses a deployment indentified by the given ID. When PauseDeployment is invoked on a deployment that is not allowed to pause or has is_paused set, an PreconditionFailed error is returned. Required permissions: - data.deployment.pause on the deployment


Resumes a paused deployment identified by the given id. When ResumeDeployment is invoked on a deployment that has is_paused not set, an PreconditionFailed error is returned. Required permissions: - data.deployment.resume on the deployment

RotateDeploymentServer RotateDeploymentServerRequest

Rotate a server for a deployment. This causes the server to restart after condition are deemed safe for a restart. Required permissions: - data.deployment.rotate-server on the deployment

CreateTestDatabase CreateTestDatabaseRequest CreateTestDatabaseResponse

Create a test database and user for a deployment. Returns the output containing the created database name, password, username, host and port. Required permissions: - data.deployment.create-test-database on the deployment

RebalanceDeploymentShards RebalanceDeploymentShardsRequest

RebalanceDeploymentShards rebalances shards for deployment across the DB servers. Prerelease: This function is not yet available in production. Required permissions: - data.deployment.rebalance-shards on the deployment

ListDiskPerformances ListDiskPerformancesRequest DiskPerformanceList

Lists disk performances that match all of the given filters. Required permissions: - data.diskperformance.list on the deployment (if deployment ID is provided) - data.diskperformance.list on the organization (if organization ID is provided, but deployment ID is not) - None, authenticated only (if no deployment ID is provided)

GetDiskPerformance GetDiskPerformanceRequest DiskPerformance

Get the disk performance for the requested disk performance ID. Required permissions: - None, authenticated only

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/data/v1/api-version
ListDeployments GET /api/data/v1/projects/{context_id}/deployments
ListDeploymentsByFilter GET /api/data/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/deployments
GetDeployment GET /api/data/v1/deployments/{id}
GetDeploymentUpdates POST /api/data/v1/streaming/deployment *
CreateDeployment POST /api/data/v1/project/{project_id}/deployments *
UpdateDeployment PATCH /api/data/v1/deployments/{id} *
UpdateDeploymentScheduledRootPasswordRotation PUT /api/data/v1/deployments/{deployment_id}/scheduled-rootpassword-rotation *
DeleteDeployment DELETE /api/data/v1/deployments/{id}
GetDeploymentCredentials GET /api/data/v1/deploymentcredentials/{deployment_id}
ListVersions GET /api/data/v1/versions
GetDefaultVersion GET /api/data/v1/versions/default
GetVersion GET /api/data/v1/versions/{id}
GetServersSpecLimits GET /api/data/v1/projects/{project_id}/regions/{region_id}/limits
ListNodeSizes GET /api/data/v1/projects/{project_id}/regions/{region_id}/nodesizes
ListDeploymentModels GET /api/data/v1/projects/{project_id}/deploymentmodels
ListCPUSizes GET /api/data/v1/projects/{project_id}/cpusizes
GetDeploymentModel GET /api/data/v1/deploymentmodel/{id}
CalculateDeploymentSize GET /api/data/v1/deployment-size/calculate
RecommendDeploymentSize GET /api/data/v1/deployment-size/recommend
GetConnectDriverInstructions GET /api/data/v1/deployments/{id}/connect-driver-instructions
GetImportDataInstructions GET /api/data/v1/deployments/{id}/import-data-instructions
CalculateDeploymentPrice GET /api/data/v1/deployment-price/calculate
GetDeploymentFeatures POST /api/data/v1/deployment-features *
PauseDeployment POST /api/data/v1/deployments/{id}/pause
ResumeDeployment POST /api/data/v1/deployments/{id}/resume
RotateDeploymentServer POST /api/data/v1/deployments/{deployment_id}/rotate/{server_id}
CreateTestDatabase POST /api/data/v1/deployments/{deployment_id}/create-test-database
RebalanceDeploymentShards POST /api/data/v1/deployments/{deployment_id}/rebalance-shards
ListDiskPerformances POST /api/data/v1/disk-performances *
GetDiskPerformance POST /api/data/v1/disk-performance/{disk_performance_id} *




DeploymentProfile represents a single Deployment Profile for an organization.

id string

System identifier of the deployment profile. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of the deployment profile resource. This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the deployment profile.

description string

Description of the deployment profile.

organization_id string

Organization id of the deployment profile. This is a read-only value.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the deployment profile. This is a read-only value.


List of deployment profiles.

items DeploymentProfile repeated


Request for listing deployment profiles.

organization_id string

List deployment profiles for this organization ID. This is a required field.


Optional common list options, the context_id is ignored This is an optional field.


Deployment Profile service is used to manage Deployment Profiles.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None (authenticated only)

ListDeploymentProfiles ListDeploymentProfilesRequest DeploymentProfileList

List all deployment profiles for the organization identified by the given organization identifier. Required permissions: - deploymentprofile.deploymentprofile.list on the organization

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/deploymentprofile/v1/api-version
ListDeploymentProfiles POST /api/deploymentprofile/v1/deploymentprofiles *




ExampleDataset represents a single example dataaset.

id string

System identifier of the example dataset. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource. This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the example dataset

description string

Description of the example dataset

guide string

Guide contains description of the example dataset including several example queries. Content type of guide is markdown.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the example dataset (database object) This is a read-only value.


ExampleDatasetInstallation represents an installation of a dataset initiated by the user.

id string

System identifier of the installation. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value.

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment that owns this installation. After creation, this value cannot be changed.

exampledataset_id string

Identifier of the example dataset which will be installed. After creation, this value cannot be changed.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the installation.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the installation This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this installation is deleted. This is a read-only value.

status ExampleDatasetInstallation.Status

Status of the actual installation.


Status of the installation.

All members of this field are read-only.

database_name string

Name of the database into which this example dataset was installed.

state string

The state of the installation. Will be one of the following: "InProgress|Create|Ready|Failed"

is_failed bool

Set when the installation is failed.

is_available bool

Set when once the installation finished successfully and the dataset is available to be used.

user_name string

Name of ArangoDB user that was created for this installation. Empty when no user is created.

demo_url string

URL towards demo resulting from this example installation.


List of example datasets.

items ExampleDatasetInstallation repeated


List of example datasets.

items ExampleDataset repeated


Request arguments for ListExampleDatasetInstallations.

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment to request the installations for.


Optional common list options, the context_id is ignored.


ListExampleDatasetsRequest provides an extendable list request for listing datasets.


Optional common list options, the context_id is ignored.

organization_id string

If set, the result includes all example datasets which are available for the organization identified by this ID. If not set, only datasets are returned that are available to all organizations.


ExampleDatasetService is the API used to query for example datasets.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListExampleDatasets ListExampleDatasetsRequest ExampleDatasetList

Fetch all example datasets. Required permissions: - None: Caller must be authenticated.

GetExampleDataset ExampleDataset

Fetch an example dataset identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - None: Caller must be authenticated.

ListExampleDatasetInstallations ListExampleDatasetInstallationsRequest ExampleDatasetInstallationList

Fetch all installations for a specific deployment. Required permissions: - example.exampledatasetinstallation.list on the deployment that owns the installation and is identified by the given ID.

GetExampleDatasetInstallation ExampleDatasetInstallation

Fetch an installations identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - example.exampledatasetinstallation.get on the installation identified by the given ID.

CreateExampleDatasetInstallation ExampleDatasetInstallation ExampleDatasetInstallation

Create a new example installation. This represents a request made by the user to create an installation for a deployment given a specified example dataset. Required permissions: - example.exampledatasetinstallation.create on the deployment that the installation is for and is identified by the given ID.

UpdateExampleDatasetInstallation ExampleDatasetInstallation ExampleDatasetInstallation

Update an installation. Required permissions: - example.exampledatasetinstallation.update on the installation identified by the given ID.


Delete an installation identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - example.exampledatasetinstallation.delete on the installation identified by the given ID.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/example/v1/api-version
ListExampleDatasets GET /api/example/v1/exampledataset
GetExampleDataset GET /api/example/v1/exampledataset/{id}
ListExampleDatasetInstallations GET /api/example/v1/deployment/{deployment_id}/exampledatasetinstallation
GetExampleDatasetInstallation GET /api/example/v1/exampledatasetinstallation/{id}
CreateExampleDatasetInstallation POST /api/example/v1/deployment/{deployment_id}/exampledatasetinstallation *
UpdateExampleDatasetInstallation PATCH /api/example/v1/exampledatasetinstallation/{id} *
DeleteExampleDatasetInstallation DELETE /api/example/v1/exampledatasetinstallation/{id}




API Keys are authentication "keys" intended to be used for scripting.

id string

Identifier of this key

url string

URL of this key.

user_id string

User represented by this key

organization_id string

If set, this key only grants access to this organization.

is_readonly bool

If set, this key only grants access to read-only API's (List..., Get...)

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the key

expires_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The expiration timestamp of the key

is_expired bool

Set when this key is expired.

revoked_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The revocation timestamp of the key (if any)

is_revoked bool

Set when this key is explicitly revoked.


List of APIKey's

items APIKey repeated


API key secrets are used once to inform the users of the secret

for an API key.

id string

ID of the API key

secret string

Secret of the API key


Request arguments for AuthenticateAPIKey

id string

API key id

secret string

Secret of the API key

time_to_live google.protobuf.Duration

Life time of the token. If set, then this TTL is used reduce the default TTL of an authentication token. It cannot be used to increase the default lifetime of a token.


Response for AuthenticateAPIKey

token string

Bearer token

time_to_live google.protobuf.Duration

Actual life time of the token.


Request arguments for CreateAPIKey.

organization_id string

If set, the created key only grants access to this organization.

readonly bool

If set, the created key only grants access to read-only API's (List..., Get...). If not set, the created key grants access to all API's (that the user has access to).

time_to_live google.protobuf.Duration

Duration between now and the expiration date of the created key. A value of 0 means that the API key will not expire. You can still use RevokeAPIKey to revoke such API keys.


Request arguments for GetMultipleEffectivePermissions

urls string repeated

URLs of the resources to fetch.


Request arguments for GetPolicyByFilter

resource_url string

URL of the resource to which this policy applies. This field is required.


common listing options (context field is ignored) used for pagination

member_id string

Filter role bindings based on member identifier Member ID is formatted as: - user:<user_id> - group:<group_id> This field is optional.

role_id string

Filter based on role identifier This field is optional.


Group of user accounts.

id string

System identifier of the group. This is a read-only value.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization that owns this group.

name string

Name of the group

description string

Description of the group

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the group

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the group

is_deleted bool

Set when this organization is deleted. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

is_virtual bool

Set if this group is virtual and managed by the system. This is a read-only value.

is_default bool

If set, new users are automatically added to this group. If there are multiple default groups, new users are added to all of them.


List of groups.

items Group repeated


List of group members (user ID's)

items string repeated

List of ID's of users that are member of the group.

users User repeated

List of users that are member of the group.


Request arguments for Add/DeleteGroupMembers.

group_id string

ID of the group to add/remove members to/from.

user_ids string repeated

ID's of users to add/remove to/from the group.


Request arguments for HasPermissionsRequest.

url string

URL of the resource to query permissions for.

permissions string repeated

The list of permissions that are required.


Request arguments for IsMemberOfGroup.

user_id string

Identifier of the user

group_id string

Identifier of the group


Multiple Lists of permissions.

items PermissionList repeated


List of permissions.

items string repeated

The permissions

url string

URL of the resource (filled out when GetMultipleEffectivePermissions was called).


Policy bindings members to roles for access to a resource.

resource_url string

URL of the resource to which this policy applies.

bindings RoleBinding repeated

Role bindings to apply to the resource.


Request arguments for RenewAPIKeyToken.

token string

Bearer token

time_to_live google.protobuf.Duration

Extended life time of the token. By default, a renewed token will have a default lifetime from the moment of the renew call. If this field is set, then this TTL is used reduce the default TTL of the renewed token. It cannot be used to increase the default lifetime of the renewed token.


Response for RenewAPIKeyToken.

time_to_live google.protobuf.Duration

Actual life time of the token.


Request arguments for RevokeAPIKeyToken.

token string

Bearer token


A role is a list of permissions.

Roles can be bound to resources for members.

id string

System identifier of the role. This is a read-only value.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization that owns this role. This value is undefined for predefined roles.

name string

Name of the role

description string

Description of the role

permissions string repeated

Permissions to grant when this role is bound.

is_predefined bool

Set if this role is predefined. This is a read-only value.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the role

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the role

is_deleted bool

Set when this organization is deleted. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.


RoleBinding binds a Role to a member.

id string

System identifier of the role-binding. This is a read-only value.

member_id string

Identifier of the member to bind a role to. Member ID is formatted as: - user:<user_id> - group:<group_id>

role_id string

Identifier of the Role to grant to member

delete_not_allowed bool

If set, this this role-binding cannot be deleted This is a read-only value.


Request arguments for Add/DeleteRoleBindings.

resource_url string

URL of the resource to add/remove policy binding to/from.

bindings RoleBinding repeated

Role bindings to add/remove to the policy.


List of roles.

items Role repeated


User represents an actual person.

id string

Identifier of the user. This is a read-only value.

email string

Primary email address of the user. All emails send to this user will use this address. This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the user. This may be empty if not filled out by the user.

given_name string

Given name of the user. This may be empty if not filled out by the user.

family_name string

Family name of the user. This may be empty if not filled out by the user.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the user. This is a read-only value.

additional_emails string repeated

Additional email addresses of the user. This will be filled in when the authentication provided knows multiple email addresses for the user. This is a read-only value.

mobile_phone string

Mobile phone number of the user. This value must be unique globally. This field will not be filled, unless: - The currently authenticated user is this user - The currently authenticated user has `iam.user.get-personal-data` permission on the organization that user is a member of. This value can only be changed to a non-empty value. If changed, the new number has to be verified again.

mobile_phone_verified bool

Set when the mobile phone number has been successfully verified. This is a read-only value.

company_name string

Company name of the user This may be empty if not filled out by the user.

dashboard_access_denied bool

If set, this user is denied access to the dashboard. This is a read-only value.

dashboard_access_denied_reason string

If set, this field describes the reason why this user is denied access to the dashboard. This is a read-only value.

apikey_id string

If set, this user is currently being authenticated using an API key (identified by this ID)

slack_name string

If set, contains Slack name of this user in the arangodb-community slack.

last_login_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of the last login of the user. This is a read-only value.

last_ip string

If set, contains IP address from which the user last logged in.

mobile_phone_needs_verification bool

Defines if a user's mobile phone number needs verification based on email root domain address.

has_educational_status bool

If set, this user belongs to an educational institute.

educational_role string

Defines the role of user at educational institute. Possible values are student | teacher | other

experience string

Defines the user's experience with graph

other_dbs string repeated

Defines other DBs that the user has used

disable_enhanced_troubleshooting bool

Defines if the user has opted out of enhanced troubleshooting


Request arguments for VerifyUserMobilePhone

code string

Code that was send to the mobile phone number.


IAMService is the API used to configure IAM objects.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

GetThisUser User

Fetch all available information of the currently authenticated user. Required permissions: - None

GetUser User

Fetch all available information of the user identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.get on one of the organizations that the requested user and authenticated user are both a member of

UpdateUser User User

Update a user Required permissions: - None if the given user is the authenticated user. or - resourcemanager.organization.get on one of the organizations that the requested user and authenticated user are both a member of and - iam.user.update on organization on one of the organizations that the requested user and authenticated user are both a member of

VerifyUserMobilePhone VerifyUserMobilePhoneRequest

Verify the mobile phone number of a user, by provided the unique code that was send to the number. If the code is valid an empty result is returned, otherwise an InvalidArgument error is returned. The authenticated user is always the subject of this request. Required permissions: - None (since the subject is always the authenticated user).


Resend a verification code to the mobile phone number listed for the authenticated user. Required permissions: - None (since the subject is always the authenticated user).

ListGroups GroupList

Fetch all groups of the organization identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - on organization identified by given context ID.

GetGroup Group

Fetch a group by its id. Required permissions: - on organization that owns the group

CreateGroup Group Group

Create a group Required permissions: - on organization that owns the group

UpdateGroup Group Group

Update a group Required permissions: - on organization that owns the group


Delete a group Required permissions: - on organization that owns the group

ListGroupMembers GroupMemberList

List of members of the group identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - on organization that owns the group

AddGroupMembers GroupMembersRequest

Add one or more members to the group identified by given ID. Required permissions: - on organization that owns the group

DeleteGroupMembers GroupMembersRequest

Remove one or more members from the group identified by given ID. Required permissions: - on organization that owns the group

IsMemberOfGroup IsMemberOfGroupRequest

Is the user identified by the given user ID a member of the group identified by the given group ID. Required permissions: - on organization that owns the group, unless the requested user is identical to the authenticated user. Note that if the identified group does not exist, no is returned.

ListRoles RoleList

Fetch all roles in the organization identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - iam.role.list on organization identified by given context ID.

GetRole Role

Fetch a role by its id. Required permissions: - iam.role.get on organization that owns the role

CreateRole Role Role

Create a custom role Required permissions: - iam.role.create on organization that owns the role

UpdateRole Role Role

Update a custom role Required permissions: - iam.role.update on organization that owns the role


Delete a custom role Required permissions: - iam.role.delete on organization that owns the role

GetPolicy Policy

Get the policy for a resource identified by given URL. Required permissions: - iam.policy.get on resource identified by the url

GetPolicyByFilter GetPolicyByFilterRequest Policy

Get the policies based on given filters. Required permissions: - iam.policy.get on resource identified by the url

AddRoleBindings RoleBindingsRequest Policy

Add one or more RoleBindings to the policy of a resource identified by given URL. Required permissions: - iam.policy.update on resource identified by the url

DeleteRoleBindings RoleBindingsRequest Policy

Remove one or more RoleBindings from the policy of a resource identified by given URL. Required permissions: - iam.policy.update on resource identified by the url

GetEffectivePermissions PermissionList

Return the list of permissions that are available to the currently authenticated used for actions on the resource identified by the given URL. Required permissions: - None

GetMultipleEffectivePermissions GetMultipleEffectivePermissionsRequest MultiplePermissionLists

Return the lists of permissions that are available to the currently authenticated used for actions on the resources identified by the given URLs. This method can replace multiple GetEffectivePermissions calls into a single roundtrip. Required permissions: - None

HasPermissions HasPermissionsRequest

Does the authenticated user have all of the requested permissions for the resource identified by the given URL? Required permissions: - None

ListPermissions PermissionList

List all known permissions. Required permissions: - None

ListAPIKeys APIKeyList

Fetch all API keys owned by the authenticated caller. Required permissions: - None


Fetch an API key by its id. The API key must be owned by the authenticated caller. Required permissions: - None

CreateAPIKey CreateAPIKeyRequest APIKeySecret

Create a new API key. The API key will be owned by the authenticated caller. Required permissions: - None


Ensure that the expiration date of the API key identified by given ID is either in the past or set to now. The API key must be owned by the authenticated caller. Required permissions: - None


Delete the API key identified by given ID The API key must be owned by the authenticated caller. Required permissions: - None

AuthenticateAPIKey AuthenticateAPIKeyRequest AuthenticateAPIKeyResponse

Authenticate using an API key. If authentication succeeds, this function returns a bearer token. That token must be used to authenticate all other API requests. If the given API key identifier is invalid or expired, or an incorrect secret is given, this function will return an unauthenticated error. Required permissions: - None

RenewAPIKeyToken RenewAPIKeyTokenRequest RenewAPIKeyTokenResponse

Renew a non-expired API key authentication token. This allows to extend the lifetime of a token created by AuthenticateAPIKey. If the given token is invalid or expired, or the underlying API key is expired this function will return an unauthenticated error. Required permissions: - None

RevokeAPIKeyToken RevokeAPIKeyTokenRequest

Revoke an API key authentication token. This function will return a non-error response, even if the given token is invalid or already expired. Required permissions: - None

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/iam/v1/api-version
GetThisUser GET /api/iam/v1/self/user
GetUser GET /api/iam/v1/users/{id}
UpdateUser PATCH /api/iam/v1/users/{id} *
VerifyUserMobilePhone POST /api/iam/v1/user-mobile-phone/verify *
ResendUserMobilePhoneVerification POST /api/iam/v1/user-mobile-phone/resend *
ListGroups GET /api/iam/v1/organizations/{context_id}/groups
GetGroup GET /api/iam/v1/groups/{id}
CreateGroup POST /api/iam/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/groups *
UpdateGroup PATCH /api/iam/v1/groups/{id} *
DeleteGroup DELETE /api/iam/v1/groups/{id}
ListGroupMembers GET /api/iam/v1/groups/{context_id}/members
AddGroupMembers POST /api/iam/v1/groups/{group_id}/members *
DeleteGroupMembers DELETE /api/iam/v1/groups/{group_id}/members *
IsMemberOfGroup GET /api/iam/v1/groups/{group_id}/members/{user_id}
ListRoles GET /api/iam/v1/organizations/{context_id}/roles
GetRole GET /api/iam/v1/roles/{id}
CreateRole POST /api/iam/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/roles *
UpdateRole PATCH /api/iam/v1/roles/{id} *
DeleteRole DELETE /api/iam/v1/roles/{id}
GetPolicy GET /api/iam/v1/policies
GetPolicyByFilter GET /api/iam/v1/policies-by-filter
AddRoleBindings POST /api/iam/v1/policies/bindings *
DeleteRoleBindings DELETE /api/iam/v1/policies/bindings *
GetEffectivePermissions GET /api/iam/v1/policies/effective-permissions
GetMultipleEffectivePermissions POST /api/iam/v1/policies/effective-permissions-multiple *
HasPermissions GET /api/iam/v1/policies/permissions
ListPermissions GET /api/iam/v1/permissions
ListAPIKeys GET /api/iam/v1/apikeys
GetAPIKey GET /api/iam/v1/apikeys/{id}
CreateAPIKey POST /api/iam/v1/apikeys *
RevokeAPIKey POST /api/iam/v1/apikeys/{id}/revoke
DeleteAPIKey DELETE /api/iam/v1/apikeys/{id}
AuthenticateAPIKey POST /api/iam/v1/apikeys/{id}/authenticate
RenewAPIKeyToken POST /api/iam/v1/tokens/{token}/renew
RevokeAPIKeyToken POST /api/iam/v1/tokens/{token}/revoke




Request arguments for GetMetricsEndpoint

deployment_id string

ID of the deployment to get the endpoint for.


Request arguments for ListTokens.


Common list options. Context_id is ignored.

deployment_id string

Required ID of deployment to list tokens for.

exclude_revoked bool

If set, do not return revoked tokens.

exclude_expired bool

If set, do not return expired tokens.

exclude_deleted bool

If set, do not return deleted (marked for deletion) tokens.


Response for GetMetricsEndpoint

endpoint string

Endpoint (url) to get metrics from. If no valid metrics tokens are configured this field is empty.

endpoint_self_signed string

Endpoint URL used to reach the metrics server with self signed certificate on port 18829 If no valid metrics tokens are configured this field is empty.

endpoint_default string

Endpoint URL used to reach the metrics server on default port 443 If no valid metrics tokens are configured this field is empty. This endpoint is recommended for human-to-metrics-server connections.


A Token is represents an access token used to authenticate requests for metrics.

id string

System identifier of the token. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the token

description string

Description of the token

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment that owns this token. This value cannot be changed after creation.

lifetime google.protobuf.Duration

Time from creation of the token to expiration. This value cannot be changed after creation. If no value is set, a default value of 90 days is used.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the token. This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the token. This is a read-only value.

expires_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The expiration timestamp of the token. This is a read-only value.

token string

The bearer token used for authentication. This is a read-only value that is only given directly after creation of the token. In all other calls, this field will be empty.

is_deleted bool

Set when this token is deleted. This is a read-only value.

is_expired bool

Set when this token has expired. This is a read-only value.

will_expire_soon bool

Set when this token will expire in the next month. This is a read-only value.

is_revoked bool

Set when this token is revoked. This is a read-only value.


List of Tokens.

items Token repeated


MetricsService is the API used to configure various metrics objects.

Prerelease: This Service is not yet available in production

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListTokens ListTokensRequest TokenList

Fetch all metrics token in the deployment identified by the given deployment ID. Required permissions: - metrics.token.list on the deployment identified by the given deployment ID

GetToken Token

Fetch a metrics token by its id. Required permissions: - metrics.token.get on the token identified by the given ID

CreateToken Token Token

Create a new metrics token. Required permissions: - metrics.token.create on the deployment that owns the token

UpdateToken Token Token

Update a metrics token. Note that you can only change the metadata (name & description) of the token. Required permissions: - metrics.token.update on the token


Revoke a metrics token. Once a token is revoked, it can no longer be used for authentication. Required permissions: - metrics.token.revoke on the token


Delete a metrics token. Note that token are initially only marked for deleted. Once all the resources that depend on it are removed the token itself is deleted and cannot be restored. Required permissions: - metrics.token.delete on the token

GetMetricsEndpoint GetMetricsEndpointRequest MetricsEndpoint

Fetch the endpoint to use for getting metrics for a deployment with given id. Required permissions: - metrics.endpoint.get on the deployment identified by the given ID

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/metrics/v1/api-version
ListTokens GET /api/metrics/v1/deployments/{deployment_id}/tokens
GetToken GET /api/metrics/v1/tokens/{id}
CreateToken POST /api/metrics/v1/deployments/{deployment_id}/tokens *
UpdateToken PATCH /api/metrics/v1/tokens/{id} *
RevokeToken POST /api/metrics/v1/tokens/{id}/revoke
DeleteToken DELETE /api/metrics/v1/tokens/{id}
GetMetricsEndpoint GET /api/metrics/v1/endpoints/{deployment_id}




deployment_id string

Optional ID of the Deployment for which sizes are being requested. If set, the response will exclude any sizes that are unavailable for the specified deployment model.


MLServices is a single resource which represents the state and configuration

of ML Services (ArangoGraphML) for a deployment specified by deployment_id.

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment for this MLServices resource. This is a ready-only value.

enabled bool

Set to true if ML services are enabled for this deployment.

size string

Size to use for the ML Jobs. Use `ListMLServicesSizes` to get a list of available sizes. If unspecified, the MLServiceSize marked as `is_default` is used. This is an optional field.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the MLServices. This also serves as a timestamp of when MLServices were first enabled. This is a read-only value.

status Status

Status of the MLServices. This is a read-only value.


MLServicesSize represents the resources allocated for MLServices.

Note that the specified configuration is applied for the ML jobs.

size_id string

Identifier of the size configuration.

is_default bool

If set, this is the default size when unspecified in MLServices.

cpu float

Amount of CPU allocated (in vCPU units)

memory int32

Amount of Memory allocated (in GB)

gpu float

Amount of GPUs allocated


List of MLServicesSize.

items MLServicesSize repeated

Items in this list.


Status of a single ArangoGraphML component.

type string

Type of service. Should be one of: [training|prediction|projects]

available bool

Set to true if the service is available. Every service is always in ONLY ONE of the following states: (available|failed)

failed bool

Set to true if the service is in a failed state. Every service is always in ONLY ONE of the following states: (available|failed)

usage ServiceStatus.Usage

Resource usage information for this service.

replicas int32

Number of replicas running for this service.


Resource usage for this service.

last_memory_usage int64

Last known memory usage in bytes

last_cpu_usage float

Last known CPU usage in vCPU units

last_memory_limit int64

Last known memory limit in bytes

last_cpu_limit float

Last known CPU limit in vCPU units


Status of the MLServices.

Note: All fields are read-only.

phase string

Overall status of where the MLServices resource is in its lifecycle at a given time. It will contain only one of the following values: "Bootstrapping" - ArangoDB Deployment is being bootstrapped with the required databases, schemas and data. "Initialising" - The services needed for ArangoGraphML are being installed. "Running" - ArangoGraphML is setup and running correctly. "Error" - Indicates that there was an error with setting up ArangoGraphML. Check `message` field for additional info. "Hibernated" - Indicates that ArangoGraphML and all its associated services are hibernated.

message string

Supporting information about the phase of MLServices (such as error messages in case of failures).

last_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when this status was last updated.

services ServiceStatus repeated

Status of each ArangoGraphML components/services.

hours_used float

Total number of hours ML Jobs have run for this Deployment.

hours_allowed float

Total number of runtime hours allowed for ML Jobs for this Deployment. Set to 0 if unlimited (i.e, no restriction).

expires_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp after which MLServices are no longer usable. This is set during trial use. If unset, no expiry.

last_enabled_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp of when MLServices were last enabled for this deployment.


MLService is the API used to configure ArangoML on ArangoGraph Insights Platform.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

GetMLServices MLServices

Get an existing MLServices resource for a given deployment (specified by the id). Required permissions: - ml.mlservices.get

UpdateMLServices MLServices MLServices

Update an existing MLServices resource. If it does not exist, this will create a new one. Pass the desired updated state of MLServices to this call. Required permissions: - ml.mlservices.update

ListMLServicesSizes ListMLServicesSizesRequest MLServicesSizeList

List the available size configurations for MLServices. Note that the returned size specifications are applied for ML Jobs. Required permissions: - ml.mlservicessize.list on the deployment (if deployment_id is provided) - None, authenticated only

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/ml/v1/api-version
GetMLServices GET /api/ml/v1/mlservices/{id}
UpdateMLServices PUT /api/ml/v1/mlservices/{deployment_id} *
ListMLServicesSizes GET /api/ml/v1/sizes




chunk bytes

Chunk of bytes from the logs


DeploymentMetrics contains the deployment metrics

metrics DeploymentMetrics.Timeseries repeated

Contains a list of timeseries metrics for each server (of type specified in the request).


Sample defines a single data point.

It contains the value of the sample and the timestamp at which it was captured.

timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp at which this sample is captured.

value float

Value of the given sample.


A timeseries contains a list of samples recorded at different (regular) intervals

for a single database server identified by server_id.

server_id string

ID of the server.

samples DeploymentMetrics.Sample repeated

List of metric samples for the server identified by the server_id.


GetDeploymentLogsRequest contains request arguments for GetDeploymentLogs.

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment to get the logs from.

role string

If set, limit logs to servers of this role.

format string

Formatting for log messages. The possible values are text and json, with default value being text.

server_id string

If set limits logs to the server with this ID.

start_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The start time for the query. Defaults to one hour ago.

end_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The end time for the query. Defaults to now.

limit int32

Limit the number of log lines. Defaults to 1000.


Request for getting deployment metrics

deployment_id string

ID of the deployment for which metrics are being requested. This is a required field.

start_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Start time for the query. Note: maximum allowed range is 1 week. This is a required field.

end_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The end time for the query. Note: maximum allowed range is 1 week. This is a required field.

server_type string

The type of server for which metrics are being requested. Should be one of the following values: - Dbserver - Coordinator - Single

metric_type string

The type of metric being requested. Should be one of the following values: - cpu - memory - disk


MonitoringService is the API used to monitor deployments.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

GetDeploymentLogs GetDeploymentLogsRequest DeploymentLogsChunk stream

Fetch all logs of the deployment that matches the given request. Required permissions: - monitoring.logs.get on the deployment identified by the given deployment ID.

GetDeploymentUsageMetrics GetDeploymentMetricsRequest DeploymentMetrics

Get the usage metrics for the deployment based on the given request. Note: Only at most 1 week worth of data may be requested. Required permissions: - monitoring.metrics.get on the deployment identified by the given deployment ID.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/monitoring/v1/api-version
GetDeploymentLogs POST /api/monitoring/v1/streaming/deployment-logs *
GetDeploymentUsageMetrics GET /api/monitoring/v1/metrics




IsPrivateEndpointServiceFeatureAvailableRequest specifies the request parameters for the IsPrivateEndpointServiceFeatureAvailable method.

At least 1 of the fields should contain a value.

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment (optional)

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization (optional) This field is ignored if a deployment_id is specified

region_id string

Identifier of the region (optional) This field is ignored if a deployment_id is specified


IsPrivateEndpointServiceFeatureAvailableResult specifies if the private endpoint service is enabled and available.

If it is not available it contains a message why not.

available bool

Set if the feature is enabled and available.

message string

Message why the feature is not available.


PrivateEndpointService represents the service part of the private endpoint

id string

System identifier of the private endpoint service. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource. This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the private endpoint service.

description string

Description of the private endpoint service.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the private endpoint service This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the private endpoint service This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this private endpoint service is deleted. This is a read-only value.

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment After creation, this value cannot be changed.

alternate_dns_names string repeated

Zero or more DNS names to include in the Self Signed TLS certificate of the deployment. This name should be resolvable in the private network (vNET/VPC) and can be used to connect to the private endpoint to establish a SSL connection (where the name will be used during the handshake).

enable_private_dns bool

If set, private DNS zone integration is enabled for this private endpoint service. For GCP this bool is immutable, so can only be set during the creation.

aks PrivateEndpointService.Aks

Specific AKS setting.

aws PrivateEndpointService.Aws

Specific AWS setting.

gcp PrivateEndpointService.Gcp

Specific GCP setting.

status PrivateEndpointService.Status

Status of the private endpoint service. All fields are read-only.


Specific AKS setting.

client_subscription_ids string repeated

The subscription IDs of the client side, needed to auto-approve private endpoint connections. After a private endpoint connection has been made this field cannot be modified anymore.


Specific AKS private endpoint connection status fields.

name string

The name of the private endpoint connection

description string

The description of the private endpoint connection

state string

The state of the private endpoint connection

id string

The private endpoint identifier


Specific AKS status fields.

All fields are read-only.

alias string

The alias generated by the Azure private link service needed by the client to setup the private endpoint.

private_endpoint_connections PrivateEndpointService.AksPrivateEndpointConnectionStatus repeated

The status of the private endpoint connections.


Specific AWS setting.

aws_principals PrivateEndpointService.AwsPrincipals repeated

The AWS principals of the client side, needed to auto-approve private endpoint connections. After a private endpoint connection has been made this field cannot be modified anymore.


Specific AWS principal setting.

account_id string

12 digit AWS Account Identifier. When both user_names and role_names are not provided all principals can be used to setup the private endpoint (account principal).

user_names string repeated

Optional user names (when at least one user name is provided the specified IAM user(s)) are able to setup the private endpoint. It is allowed to specify both users and roles

role_names string repeated

Optional role names (when at least one role name is provided the specified IAM role(s)) are able to setup the private endpoint. It is allowed to specify both users and roles


Specific AWS private endpoint connection status fields.

owner string

The owner of the private endpoint connection

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation date the private endpoint connection

state string

The state of the private endpoint connection

id string

The private endpoint identifier


Specific AWS status fields.

All fields are read-only.

service_name string

The service name generated by the AWS VPC endpoint service needed by the client to setup the VPC endpoint.

availability_zones string repeated

The availability zones information needed to setup the VPC endpoint.

private_endpoint_connections PrivateEndpointService.AwsPrivateEndpointConnectionStatus repeated

The status of the private endpoint connections.


Specific GCP setting.

projects string repeated

The projects of the client side, needed to auto-approve private endpoint connections. After a private endpoint connection has been made this field cannot be modified anymore.


Specific GCP private endpoint connection status fields.

name string

The name of the private endpoint connection

state string

The state of the private endpoint connection

id string

The private endpoint identifier


Specific GCP status fields.

All fields are read-only.

service_attachment string

The service attachment generated by the Google private service connect needed by the client to setup the private endpoint.

private_endpoint_connections PrivateEndpointService.GcpPrivateEndpointConnectionStatus repeated

The status of the private endpoint connections.


Status of the private endpoint service.

All fields are read-only.

ready bool

Set when the private endpoint service is ready.

ready_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp the ready flag has been set.

needs_attention bool

Set if this private endpoint service needs attention.

message string

Free text message describing the status.

private_dns_status string

The private DNS status of the private endpoint service.

private_dns_ready_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp the private DNS status has been set.

aks PrivateEndpointService.AksStatus

Specific AKS status fields. All fields are read-only.

aws PrivateEndpointService.AwsStatus

Specific AWS status fields. All fields are read-only.

gcp PrivateEndpointService.GcpStatus

Specific GCP status fields. All fields are read-only.


NetworkService is the API used to manage the network for a deployment.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

IsPrivateEndpointServiceFeatureAvailable IsPrivateEndpointServiceFeatureAvailableRequest IsPrivateEndpointServiceFeatureAvailableResult

Checks if the private endpoint service feature is enabled and available. Required permissions: - network.privateendpointservice.get-feature on the deployment that is identified by the given deployment ID (if specified). - network.privateendpointservice.get-feature on the organization that is identified by the given organization ID (if specified). - None, authenticated only (if only the region ID is specified).

GetPrivateEndpointService PrivateEndpointService

Fetch a private endpoint service by its ID. Required permissions: - network.privateendpointservice.get on the private endpoint service.

GetPrivateEndpointServiceByDeploymentID PrivateEndpointService

Fetch a private endpoint service by the deployment ID. Required permissions: - network.privateendpointservice.get-by-deployment-id on the deployment that owns the private endpoint service.

CreatePrivateEndpointService PrivateEndpointService PrivateEndpointService

Create a new private endpoint service. Required permissions: - network.privateendpointservice.create on the deployment that owns the private endpoint service.

UpdatePrivateEndpointService PrivateEndpointService

Update the private endpoint service. Required permissions: - network.privateendpointservice.update on the private endpoint service.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/network/v1/api-version
IsPrivateEndpointServiceFeatureAvailable POST /api/network/v1/privateendpointservice/feature
GetPrivateEndpointService GET /api/network/v1/privateendpointservice/{id}
GetPrivateEndpointServiceByDeploymentID GET /api/network/v1/deployment/{id}/privateendpointservice
CreatePrivateEndpointService POST /api/network/v1/deployment/{deployment_id}/privateendpointservice *
UpdatePrivateEndpointService PATCH /api/network/v1/privateendpointservice/{id} *




Requet for listing notebook models.

deployment_id string

ID of the deployment that the notebook belongs to.


Request for listing notebooks.

deployment_id string

List notebooks for this deployment ID. This is a required field.


Optional common list options, the context_id is ignored


Model specification for the notebook.

notebook_model_id string

Type of model being used. This should refer to the `id` of a `NotebookModel` object. This is a required field.

disk_size int32

Disk size allocated to the notebook instance (in GiB). This is a required field.


Contains the specification and status of a given notebook instance.

id string

ID of the Notebook. This is a read-only value.

deployment_id string

ID of the Deployment this notebook belongs to. After creation, this value cannot be changed. This is a required field.

url string

URL of the Notebook. This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the notebook. This is a required field.

description string

Description of the notebook. This is an optional field.

is_paused bool

Indicates that this notebook is paused. Use the notebook.PauseNotebook method to pause, and notebook.ResumeNotebook to resume (unpause). This is a read-only value.

last_paused_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last paused timestamp of the notebook. This is the timestamp that is_paused is transitioned from unset to set. This is a read-only value.

last_resumed_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last resumed timestamp of the notebook. This is the timestamp that is_paused is transitioned from set to unset. This is a read-only value.

created_by_id string

Identifier of the user that created this notebook. This is a read-only value.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Time at which this notebook was created. This is a read-only value.

model ModelSpec

Model specification for the notebook.

is_deleted bool

Set when this notebook is deleted. This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the deployment This is a read-only value.

ml_enabled bool

If set, the Notebook is created for use along with ArangoML. This field will be set to `true` if ML services are enabled at the time of creating the notebook. This is a read-only value.

status Status

Status of the notebook. This is a read-only value.


List of Notebooks.

items Notebook repeated


Budget for notebooks


Specifies the resource configuration for a notebook.

id string

System identifier of the model.

name string

Human readable name of the model.

cpu float

CPU units allocated to the notebook. 1 CPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual CPU.

memory int32

Memory allocated to the notebook in 'GiB'.

max_disk_size int32

Maximum amount of disk space (in GiB) available to the notebook.

min_disk_size int32

Minimum amount of disk space (in GiB) available to the notebook.

gpu float

GPU units allocated to the notebook. 1 GPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual GPU.

initial_disk_size int32

Initial amount of disk space (in GiB) available to the notebook.


List of notebook models.

items NotebookModel repeated


Status of the notebook.

Note: all fields in this block are read-only.

phase string

Where the notebook is in its lifecycle at any given time. Should contain only one of the following values: "Initialising" - Notebook is initialising. "Running" - Notebook is running. "Hibernating" - Notebook is moving to a hibernated state. "Hibernated" - Notebook has moved to a hibernated state. "Error" - Notebook is in an errored state. Additional information can be obtained from `message` field.

message string

Supporting information about the notebook phase - such as error messages in case of failures.

last_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the status of the notebook was last updated.

endpoint string

Endpoint URL used to reach the notebook This value will be empty during the creation of the notebook.

endpoint_default string

Endpoint URL used to reach the notebook on default port 443 This value will be empty during the creation of the notebook. This endpoint is recommended for human-to-notebook connections.

endpoint_self_signed string

Endpoint URL used to reach the notebook with self signed certificate on port 18829 This value will be empty during the creation of the notebook.

last_active_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when this notebook was last reported to be active.

usage Status.Usage

Resource usage of the notebook.


Resource usage of the notebook.


Information about the data volume used to store the data

last_memory_usage int64

Last known memory usage in bytes

last_cpu_usage float

Last known CPU usage in vCPU units

last_memory_limit int64

Last known memory limit in bytes

last_cpu_limit float

Last known CPU limit in vCPU units

last_gpu_usage float

Last known GPU usage in GPU units

last_gpu_limit float

Last known GPU limit in GPU units


Notebook service is used to manage notebooks.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None (authenticated only)

GetNotebook Notebook

Get a Notebook using its ID. Required permissions: - notebook.notebook.get on the notebook

CreateNotebook Notebook Notebook

Create a new Notebook by specifying its configuration. Required permissions: - notebook.notebook.create on the deployment


Delete an existing notebook using its ID. This initially marks the notebook for deletion. It is deleted from CP once all its child resources are deleted. Required permissions: - notebook.notebook.delete on the notebook

UpdateNotebook Notebook

Update an existing notebook. Returns updated Notebook. Required permissions: - notebook.notebook.update on the notebook

ListNotebooks ListNotebooksRequest NotebookList

List all notebooks for the deployments identified by the given deployment identifier. Required permissions: - notebook.notebook.list on the deployment

ListNotebookModels ListNotebookModelsRequest NotebookModelList

List all notebook models available in the context of the given deployment. Required permissions: - notebook.model.list globally


Pauses a running notebook identified by the given id. Required permissions: - notebook.notebook.pause on the notebook


Resumes a paused notebook identified by the given id. When ResumeNotebook is invoked on a notebook that has is_paused not set, an PreconditionFailed error is returned. Required permissions: - notebook.notebook.resume on the notebook

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/notebook/v1/api-version
GetNotebook GET /api/notebook/v1/notebook/{id}
CreateNotebook PUT /api/notebook/v1/notebook *
DeleteNotebook DELETE /api/notebook/v1/notebook/{id}
UpdateNotebook POST /api/notebook/v1/notebook/{id} *
ListNotebooks POST /api/notebook/v1/notebooks *
ListNotebookModels POST /api/notebook/v1/models *
PauseNotebook POST /api/notebook/v1/{id}/pause
ResumeNotebook POST /api/notebook/v1/{id}/resume




ListDeploymentNotificationsRequest is used to request a list of Notifications for given deployment.

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment to get a list of notifications for.


Common listing options. context_id is a don't care.

read_only bool

Get only read notifications

unread_only bool

Get only unread notifications


MarkNotificationRequest is used to mark notifications for given deployment as Read/Unread

notification_id string

Identifier of notification that has to be marked


Notification contains all attributes of a notification.

All fields in this message are read-only.

id string

System identifier of the notification

type string

Type of notification. Will be one of following value: "email", "sms".

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the prepaid deployment.

title string

Title of notification.

recipients string repeated

Recipients of notification. email addresses, phone numbers etc

content NotificationContent repeated

Content of notification.

read_at Notification.ReadAt

If the message is not marked as read this field is empty

is_read bool

If set this message was marked as read


Details about notification read.

All fields in this message are read-only.

read_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

When the notification was marked as read

read_by_id string

Identifier of user who marked message as read


NotificationContent holds content and it's mime type.

All fields in this message are read-only.

content_type string

MIME Type of notification.

content string

Content of notification.


NotificationList contains a list of Notification items.

items Notification repeated

Notification items.


NotificationService is the API used to interact with deployment notifications.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListDeploymentNotifications ListDeploymentNotificationsRequest NotificationList

Fetch all notifications related to given deployment. Required permissions: - notification.deployment-notification.list on the deployment identified by given deployment_id

MarkNotificationAsRead MarkNotificationRequest

Mark notification related to given deployment as read. Required permissions: - notification.deployment-notification.mark-as-read on the deployment associated with the notification identified by notification_id

MarkNotificationAsUnread MarkNotificationRequest

Mark notification related to given deployment as unread. Required permissions: - notification.deployment-notification.mark-as-unread on the deployment associated with the notification identified by notification_id

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/notification/v1/api-version
ListDeploymentNotifications POST /api/notification/v1/deployment/{deployment_id}/notifications *
MarkNotificationAsRead POST /api/notification/v1/notifications/{notification_id}/mark/read *
MarkNotificationAsUnread POST /api/notification/v1/notifications/{notification_id}/mark/unread *




Request arguments for ListProviders


Common list options

organization_id string

If set, the result includes all providers for that are available for the organization identified by this ID. If not set, only providers are returned that are available to all organizations.


Request arguments for ListRegions


Common list options

provider_id string

Required identifier of the provider to list regions for.

organization_id string

If set, the result includes all regions for that are available for the organization identified by this ID. If not set, only regions are returned that are available to all organizations.

model_id string

If set, the result includes only those regions where the specified deployment model is supported. This is an optional field.


Provider represents a specific cloud provider such as AWS or GCP.

id string

System identifier of the provider.

name string

Name of the provider

prerelease bool

If set, this provider has not be released as generally available.


List of providers.

items Provider repeated


Region represents a geographical region in which deployments are run.

id string

System identifier of the region.

provider_id string

Identifier of the provider that hosts this region.

location string

Location of the region

available bool

Is this region available for creating new deployments?

low_stock bool

If set, this region is low on stock. Creating a deployment may not be possible.

out_of_stock bool

If set, this region is out of stock. Creating a deployment is currently not possible.

prerelease bool

If set, this region has not be released as generally available.

ml_supported bool

If set, this region support ML services.

priority int32

sets the sales priority of this region higher number is higher proirity


List of regions.

items Region repeated


PlatformService is the API used to query for cloud provider & regional info.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListProviders ListProvidersRequest ProviderList

Fetch all providers that are supported by the ArangoDB cloud. Required permissions: - None

GetProvider Provider

Fetch a provider by its id. Required permissions: - None

ListRegions ListRegionsRequest RegionList

Fetch all regions provided by the provided identified by the given context ID. If the given context identifier contains a valid organization ID, the result includes all regions for that organization. Otherwise only regions are returned that are available to all organizations. Required permissions: - None

GetRegion Region

Fetch a region by its id. Required permissions: - None

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/platform/v1/api-version
ListProviders GET /api/platform/v1/providers
GetProvider GET /api/platform/v1/providers/{id}
ListRegions GET /api/platform/v1/providers/{provider_id}/regions
GetRegion GET /api/platform/v1/regions/{id}




CloneFromBackupRequest is used to create a new deployment based on PrepaidDeployment

with prepaid_deployment_id and restore data from Backup with given backup_id

prepaid_deployment_id string

Identifier of prepaid deployment

backup_id string

Identifier of the backup to restore from Backup specification has to match prepaid_deployment specification in order to succeed


CreateDeploymentRequest is used to create a new deployment based on PrepaidDeployment

with given prepaid_deployment_id and attach it to this PrepaidDeployment

prepaid_deployment_id string

Identifier of prepaid deployment to use as a specification and attach the newly created Deployment to

project_id string

Identifier of the project that owns the newly created deployment.

ipallowlist_id string

Optional identifier of IP allowlist to use for this deployment.

version string

ArangoDB version to use for this deployment.

certificates CreateDeploymentRequest.CertificateSpec

accepted_terms_and_conditions_id string

This field must be set to the identifier of the current Terms&Conditions when creating a deployment from a prepaid deployment. If the tier of the organization does not require a non-empty Terms&Condition identifier, this field may be left empty.

is_platform_authentication_enabled bool

Determines if deployment is using platform authentication


ca_certificate_id string

Identifier of the CACertificate used to sign TLS certificates for the deployment. If you change this value after the creation of the deployment a complete rotation of the deployment is required, which will result in some downtime.

alternate_dns_names string repeated

Zero or more DNS names to include in the TLS certificate of the deployment.


ListPrepaidDeploymentsRequest is used to request a list of PrepaidDeployments for

organization with given organization_id

organization_id string

identifier of the organization to get a list of prepaid deployments for


common listing options


A PrepaidDeployment contains all attributes of a future deployment that is already paid for.

id string

System identifier of the prepaid deployment. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value.

name string

The name of prepaid deployment, not related to created deployment

description string

An optional description for prepaid deployment, not related to created deployment

organization_id string

Identifier of an organization that owns this prepaid deployment

region_id string

Identifier of the region in which a deployment is going to be created.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the prepaid deployment

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the prepaid deployment

is_deleted bool

Set when this deployment is deleted.

starts_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Start of the period for which the PrepaidDeployment was purchased

ends_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

End of the period for which the PrepaidDeployment was purchased

is_active bool

Set when current time is betweeen starts_at and ends_at This is a read-only value

support_plan_id string

Identifier of the support plan selected for this prepaid deployment.


Model specification for created deployment

addons string repeated

Identifies the addons that will be used on the deployment

disk_performance_id string

Optional identifier of disk performance to use for this deployment.

status PrepaidDeployment.Status


Status of the prepaid deployment

All members of this field are read-only.

deployment_id string

id of created deployment if there is no deployment associated with this prepaid deployment it's empty

attached_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

timestamp when the deployment was created for or attached to PrepaidDeployment

detached_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

timestamp when the deployment was detached from PrepaidDeployment

deployment_url string

url of the given deployment

last_warning_email_send_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

timestamp of the last warning email


PrepaidDeploymentList contains a list of PrepaidDeployment items

items PrepaidDeployment repeated

prepaid deployment items


UpdateDeploymentRequest is used to update deployment attached to PrepaidDeployment

with give prepaid_deployment_id

prepaid_deployment_id string

Identifier of prepaid deployment


PrepaidService is the API used to configure prepaid objects.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListPrepaidDeployments ListPrepaidDeploymentsRequest PrepaidDeploymentList

Fetch all prepaid deployments for organization. Required permissions: - prepaid.prepaiddeployment.list on the organization identified by given organization ID

GetPrepaidDeployment PrepaidDeployment

Fetch a deployment by its id. Required permissions: - prepaid.prepaiddeployment.get on the deployment identified by the given ID

CreateDeployment CreateDeploymentRequest

Creates a new deployment from a prepaid deployment and attached the newly created deployment to the prepaid deployment. Required permissions: - data.deployment.create on the project in which the deployment is going to be created - prepaid.prepaiddeployment.get on the deployment identified by the given prepaid_deployment_id

UpdateDeployment UpdateDeploymentRequest

Update the deployment by prepaid deployment's id Required permissions: - data.deployment.update on the deployment attached to the prepaid deployment - prepaid.prepaiddeployment.get on the deployment identified by the given prepaid_deployment_id

CloneDeploymentFromBackup CloneFromBackupRequest

Creates a cloned deployment from a backup and attaches it to the prepaid deployment. This takes the deployment specification from the prepaid deployment, which must match the specification mentioned in the backup. Required permissions: - prepaid.prepaiddeployment.get on the prepaid deployment identified by the given prepaid_deployment_id - replication.deployment.clone-from-backup

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/prepaid/v1/api-version
ListPrepaidDeployments POST /api/prepaid/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/prepaiddeployments
GetPrepaidDeployment GET /api/prepaid/v1/prepaiddeployments/{id}
CreateDeployment POST /api/prepaid/v1/prepaiddeployments/{prepaid_deployment_id}/deployment/create *
UpdateDeployment POST /api/prepaid/v1/prepaiddeployments/{prepaid_deployment_id}/deployment/update *
CloneDeploymentFromBackup POST /api/prepaid/v1/prepaiddeployments/{prepaid_deployment_id}/deployment/clone *




CloneDeploymentFromBackupRequest defines a request object for clone deployment call.

backup_id string

The ID of the backup to clone a deployment from.

region_id string

Target region. This is an optional field

accepted_terms_and_conditions_id string

This field must be set to the identifier of the current Terms&Conditions when cloning a deployment. If the tier of the organization does not require a non-empty Terms&Condition identifier, this field may be left empty. If this field is not set the terms and conditions of the source deployment will be used.

project_id string

Target project identifier. This is an optional field


DeploymentMigration defines a request for performing the migration of a deployment.

source_deployment_id string

Identifier of the source deployment that needs to be migrated. This is a required field.

target_deployment DeploymentMigration.DeploymentSpec

Specification of the target deployment.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp of when this migration was initiated. This is a read-only field.

status DeploymentMigration.Status

Status of the migration. This is a read-only field.


Specification of the target deployment.

model string

Type of model being used

node_size_id string

Size of nodes being used This field is ignored set in case the flexible model is used.

node_count int32

Number of nodes being used This field is ignored set in case the flexible model is used.

node_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space per node (in GB) This field is ignored set in case the flexible model is used.

region_id string

Identifier of the region in which the deployment is created. After creation, this value cannot be changed.


Status of the DeploymentMigration.

phase string

The current phase of the migration. This will contain only one of the following values: - SourceBackupInProgress: Creation of backup of source deployment is in progress. - TargetDeploymentCreationInProgress: Creation of target deployment is in progress. - TargetDeploymentModelChangeInProgress: The model of the target deployment is being updated. - Error: An error has occured during the migration process. - Failed: Migration has failed due to errors. - Complete: Migration process has completed.

description string

Additional information regarding the status.

last_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp of when the status was last updated.

backup_id string

ID of the backup at the source deployment. This backup will be used to perform a restore at the target deployment.

target_deployment_id string

ID of the target deployment.


DeploymentReplication defines a request object for creating or updating a deployment replication

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment for a given DeploymentReplication

started bool

Start the replication process for the given deployment.

certificate_pem string

A PEM encoded representation of the public key of the CA certificate used to verify sync master in source deployment.

tls_keyfile string

A PEM encoded representation of the keyfile used for client authentication of the sync master (with the sync master in the source deployment). A keyfile contains 1 or more certificates and a private key.

started_by_id string

Identifier of the user that initiated this deployment replication. This is a read-only value.

cancelation_options DeploymentReplication.CancelationOptions

CancelationOptions describes what to do during cancellation process of the migration-agent.

status DeploymentReplication.Status

Status of the DeploymentReplication.


CancelationOptions describes what to do during cancellation process of the migration-agent.

data_consistency_not_required bool

If set, during cancellation process data consistency is not required (otherwise data consistency is required).

make_source_deployment_read_only bool

If set, after cancellation the source deployment will be in read-only mode.


DeploymentReplicationStatus defines the status of a deployment replication.

Note: All fields in this message block are read-only.

phase string

Where the deployment replication process is in its lifecycle at any given time. Should only contain only one of the following values: "Initialising" - Replication has started, waiting for sync masters / workers. "In-Progress" - Replication has started and currently in progress. "Error" - Replication is in an errored state. "Failed" - Replication could not complete successfully. "Stopping" - Replication is being stopped. "Completed" - Replication is stopped and all resources cleaned up properly.

message string

Supporting information about the deployment replication phase - such as error messages in case of failures. This field will be in JSON format and can be built using the `AsJSON()` helper. Use `FromJSON()` helper to parse this field. See - replication/v1/message.go in this repository.

sync_endpoint string

Service (LoadBalancer) endpoint of the SyncMasters This field has the format of a URL. This is a readonly field.

phase_updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the Phase of the Deployment Replication was last updated. This is a readonly field.

forwarder_endpoint string

Service (LoadBalancer) endpoint of the Forwarder service which allows to start streaming connection. This field has the format of a URL. This is a readonly field.

progress float

Progress of replication in percents (value from 0.0 to 1.0). This is a readonly field.


ReplicationService is the API used to replicate a deployment.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

CloneDeploymentFromBackup CloneDeploymentFromBackupRequest

Takes a backup and creates a deployment from it. For all intents and purposes this new deployment will be the same as the deployment at that exact moment when the backup was taken from it. This means that the new deployment will be in the same project and use the same provider as the old deployment did. Optionally a different region can be provided using the region id field on the request. Furthermore, the new deployment will have the same server settings ( count, mode, replication factor ) as the old deployment did at the time of taking the backup. After the new deployment successfully started, the backup will be used to restore the data into the new deployment. The new deployment will have a different endpoint, and the password will also be reset for it. All other user settings will remain the same. The old deployment will not be touched. Required permissions: if project_id is specified - backup.backup.get on the backup specified by backup_id in request - replication.deployment.clone-from-backup on the project specified in request if project_id is not specified - replication.deployment.clone-from-backup on the backup specified by backup_id

GetDeploymentReplication DeploymentReplication

Get an existing DeploymentReplication using its deployment ID Required permissions: - replication.deploymentreplication.get [Deprecated] This method shouldn't be used anymore, the permission is removed from the system already to prevent usage.

UpdateDeploymentReplication DeploymentReplication DeploymentReplication

Update an existing DeploymentReplication spec. If does not exist, this will create a new one. This call expects the complete entity with the updated fields. Required permissions: - replication.deploymentreplication.update [Deprecated] This method shouldn't be used anymore, the permission is removed from the system already to prevent usage.

CreateDeploymentMigration DeploymentMigration DeploymentMigration

Create a new deployment migration. Note: currently migration is supported only for Deployments with 'free' model. Required permissions: - replication.deploymentmigration.create on the specified deployment ID

GetDeploymentMigration DeploymentMigration

Get info about the deployment migration for a deployment identified by the given ID. Required permissions: - replication.deploymentmigration.get on the specified deployment ID


Delete an existing DeploymentMigration. A DeploymentMigration may be deleted only if it is in COMPLETE or FAILED state. Required permissions: - replication.deploymentmigration.delete on the specified deployment ID.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/replication/v1/api-version
CloneDeploymentFromBackup POST /api/replication/v1/backup/{backup_id}/clone *
GetDeploymentReplication GET /api/replication/v1/deployment/{id}/replication
UpdateDeploymentReplication PUT /api/replication/v1/deployment/{deployment_id}/replication *
CreateDeploymentMigration POST /api/replication/v1/deploymentmigration *
GetDeploymentMigration GET /api/replication/v1/deploymentmigration/{id}
DeleteDeploymentMigration DELETE /api/replication/v1/deploymentmigration/{id}




Specify which authentication providers are allowed for use

in a specific Organization.

For each field applies:

- If set, users can access the organization when using that authentication provider.

- If not set, users will be denied access to the organizatin when using that authentication provider.

enable_username_password bool

Control access to the organization for users using then username/password authentication provider.

enable_google bool

Control access to the organization for users using then Google authentication provider.

enable_github bool

Control access to the organization for users using then Github authentication provider.

enable_microsoft bool

Control access to the organization for users using then Microsoft authentication provider.

enable_sso bool

Control access to the organization for users using then SSO authentication provider.


id string

Identifier of this version of the DPA

content string

Content of DPA in markdown format

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Creation date of this version of the DPA.


Specify restrictions related to email domain names of user accounts that are allowed to

access resources of a specific Organization.

allowed_domains string repeated

If this list is non-empty, only users that have an email address in one of the given domains will be granted access to the resources in the Organization.


An Event represents something that happened to an organization

in the ArangoDB Managed service.

id string

System identifier of the event. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization that owns this event. This is a read-only value.

subject_id string

Identifier of the subject of this event. This is a read-only value. If the subject of this event is an organization, this value is a duplicate of organization_id.

type string

Type of the event.

payload Event.PayloadEntry repeated

Payload of the event. The fields used in the payload are specific to the type of event.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the event

subject_url string

URL of the subject of this event. This is a read-only value.

volatile bool

If set, this event is not persisted. This is a read-only value.

created_by_id string

Identifier of the user that has created this event. This is a read-only value that can be empty.

reason string

Optional human readable reason for the event. This is a read-only value that can be empty.

status_only bool

If set, this event reflects only a status update of an entity. This is a read-only value.

created_with string

The application/tool which created this event. This information is collected by inspecting headers: First the x-arango-graph-user-agent will be tried, if this isn't set, the first service name from oasis-trace will be used, otherwise an empty string. This is a read-only value that can be empty.


key string

value string


List of Events.

items Event repeated


Request arguments for IsMemberOfOrganization.

user_id string

Identifier of the user

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization


Response for IsMemberOfOrganization.

member bool

Set if the requested user is a member of the requested organization.

owner bool

Set if the requested user is an owner of the requested organization.


Options for ListEvents


Standard list options

subject_ids string repeated

If set, filter on the subject_id of event

types string repeated

If set, filter on the type of event

created_after google.protobuf.Timestamp

If set, filter of events created after this timestamp

created_before google.protobuf.Timestamp

If set, filter of events created before this timestamp

sort_descending bool

Sort descending (new to old) on created_at field (default is ascending).


Request arguments for ListXyzQuotas


Common list options

kinds string repeated

If set, limit the returned list of quota's to these kinds.


Member of an organization.

A member is always a user.

user_id string

Identifier of the user

owner bool

Set if this user is owner of the organization


The user.


List of Members.

items Member repeated


Define the Notification details

notification string

String representation of the Notification

severity NotificationSeverity

Notification Severity

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the notification has been created.

updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the notification has been updated.

expires_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The timestamp of when the notification expires.


An Organization is represents a real world organization such as a company.

id string

System identifier of the organization. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

name string

Name of the organization

description string

Description of the organization

is_deleted bool

Set when this organization is deleted. This is a read-only value.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the organization

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the organization

tier Tier

Tier used for this organization. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

total_deployments Organization.TotalDeploymentsEntry repeated

Total number of deployments created in this organization throughout its entire lifetime per tier-id. map: tier-id -> count This is a read-only value.

is_flexible_deployments_enabled bool

If set, all projects in this organization are allowed to use deployments using the flexible model. This is a read-only value.

is_allowed_to_use_custom_images bool

If set, this organization is allowed to use custom images for ArangoDB deployments. This is a read-only value.

is_allowed_to_use_iamproviders bool

If set, this organization is allowed to use IAMProviders on their deployments. This is a read-only value.

locked bool

If set, this organization cannot be deleted. To delete, first update the with locked set to false.

requires_prepaid_deployments bool

If set, this organization cannot create deployments without prepaid deployments. This is a read-only value.

authentication_providers AuthenticationProviders

If set, configures which authentication providers can/cannot be used for this organization. If not set, all providers are enabled by default.

email_domain_restrictions DomainRestrictions

If set, configure restrictions on the email domains used by user accounts to access this organization. If not set, there is no restriction of domains for user accounts.

is_allowed_to_use_scim bool

If set, this organization is allowed to manage IAM identities (like users) via SCIM This is a read-only value.

notifications Organization.NotificationsEntry repeated

Defines notifications attached to the Organization


key string

value Notification


key string

value int32


An OrganizationInvite represents an invite for a human to join an


id string

System identifier of the invite. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization that the human is invited to join. This is a read-only value.

email string

Email address of the human who is invited.

accepted bool

If set, the invitee accepted the invite. This is a read-only value.

rejected bool

If set, the invitee rejected the invite. This is a read-only value.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the invite This is a read-only value.

accepted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The acceptance timestamp of the invite This is a read-only value.

rejected_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The rejection timestamp of the invite This is a read-only value.

user_id string

Identifier of the user that accepted or rejected this invite. This is a read-only value.

created_by_id string

Identifier of the user that created this invite.

organization_name string

Identifier of the organization that the human is invited to join. This is a read-only value.

created_by_name string

Name of the user that created this invite. This is a read-only value.


List of OrganizationInvites.

items OrganizationInvite repeated


List of organizations.

items Organization repeated

Actual organizations


Budget for organizations (owned by the caller)


Request arguments for Add/DeleteOrganizationMembers.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization to add/remove a user from

members MemberList

Users to add/remove. For every user, an owner flag is provided as well. If you add an existing user, the owner flag or the add request will overwrite the value of the existing owner flag.


A Project is represents a unit within an organization such as a department.

id string

System identifier of the project. This is a read-only value. It can be set when creating the project.

url string

URL of this resource This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

name string

Name of the project

description string

Description of the project

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization that owns this project. This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this project is deleted

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of the project

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the project

is_flexible_deployments_enabled bool

If set, this project is allowed to use deployments using the flexible model.

locked bool

If set, this project cannot be deleted. To delete, first update the with locked set to false.


List of Projects.

items Project repeated

Resulting projects


Budget for projects


Quota limit

kind string

Kind of quota

description string

Human readable description of the quota

limit int64

Current limit of the quota. A value of 0 means unlimited.


Description of a kind of quota's

kind string

Kind of the quota

description string

Human readable description

for_organizations bool

If set, this kind of quota is valid at organization level

for_projects bool

If set, this kind of quota is valid at project level


List of QuotaDescription's

items QuotaDescription repeated


List of Quota's

items Quota repeated


id string

Identifier of this version of the terms & conditions

content string

Content of terms & conditions in markdown format

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Creation date of this version of the terms & conditions.


Tier of an organization.

id string

Identifier of the tier. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

name string

Human readable name of the tier. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

has_support_plans bool

If set the tier has support plans. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

has_backup_uploads bool

If set the tier has backup uploads. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

requires_terms_and_conditions bool

If set, the tier requires that new deployments accept the current terms & conditions. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

has_support_severity_high bool

If set, this tier allows the user of support severity high.

has_support_severity_critical bool

If set, this tier allows the user of support severity critical.

has_auditlog_feature bool

If set, this tier has the auditlog feature. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

has_auditlog_destination_cloud bool

If set, this tier supports the auditlog destination 'cloud'. This fields is only relevant if has_auditlog_feature is set. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

has_auditlog_destination_https_post bool

If set, this tier supports the auditlog destination 'https-post'. This fields is only relevant if has_auditlog_feature is set. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

has_private_endpoints bool

If set, this tier supports private endpoints. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.

has_multi_region_backup_uploads bool

If set the tier has multi region backup uploads. This is a read-only value and cannot be initialized.


NotificationSeverity keeps possible severities for notifications


Defines Info level Notification Severity


Defines Warning level Notification Severity


Defines Critical level Notification Severity


ResourceManagerService is the API used to configure basic resource objects.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListOrganizations OrganizationList

Fetch all organizations that the authenticated user is a member of. Required permissions: - None

GetOrganization Organization

Fetch an organization by its id. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization. Required permissions: - None

CreateOrganization Organization Organization

Create a new organization Required permissions: - None

UpdateOrganization Organization Organization

Update an organization Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.update on the organization


Delete an organization Note that organization are never really removed. Instead their is_deleted field is set to true. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.delete on the organization

ListOrganizationMembers MemberList

Get a list of members of the organization identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.get on the organization

AddOrganizationMembers OrganizationMembersRequest

Add one or more members to an organization. If there are members (in the request arguments) that are already member of the organization an AlreadyExists error is returned. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.update on the organization

UpdateOrganizationMembers OrganizationMembersRequest

Update the ownership flag of one or more members of an organization. If there are members (in the request arguments) that are not yet member of the organization, an InvalidArgument error is returned. If the request would result in the last owner no longer being an owner, an InvalidArgument error is returned. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.update on the organization

DeleteOrganizationMembers OrganizationMembersRequest

Remove one or more members from an organization. If the request would result in the last owner being removed as member of the organization, an InvalidArgument error is returned. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.update on the organization

IsMemberOfOrganization IsMemberOfOrganizationRequest IsMemberOfOrganizationResponse

Is the user identified by the given user ID a member of the organization identified by the given organization ID. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.get on the organization, unless the requested user is identical to the authenticated user. Note that if the identified user or organization does not exist, no is returned.

ListOrganizationQuotas ListQuotasRequest QuotaList

Get a list of quota values for the organization identified by the given context ID. If a quota is not specified on organization level, a (potentially tier specific) default value is returned. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.get on the organization

ListProjects ProjectList

Fetch all projects in the organization identified by the given context ID. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization identifier by the given context ID. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.project.list on the organization identified by the given context ID

GetProject Project

Fetch a project by its id. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization that owns the project. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.project.get on the project identified by the given ID

CreateProject Project Project

Create a new project The authenticated user must be a member of the organization that owns the project. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.project.create on the organization that owns the project

UpdateProject Project Project

Update a project The authenticated user must be a member of the organization that owns the project. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.project.update on the project


Delete a project Note that project are initially only marked for deleted. Once all their resources are removed the project itself is deleted and cannot be restored. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization that owns the project. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.project.delete on the project

ListProjectQuotas ListQuotasRequest QuotaList

Get a list of quota values for the project identified by the given context ID. If a quota is not specified on project level, a value from organization level is returned. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.project.get on the project

ListEvents ListEventOptions EventList

Fetch all events in the organization identified by the given context ID. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization identifier by the given context ID. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.event.list on the organization identified by the given context ID Note that this method uses a POST method because the list options contains a repeated field.

ListOrganizationInvites OrganizationInviteList

Fetch all organization invites in the organization identified by the given context ID. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization identifier by the given context ID. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization-invite.list on the invite.

ListMyOrganizationInvites OrganizationInviteList

Fetch all organization invites for the email address of the authenticated user. Required permissions: - None

GetOrganizationInvite OrganizationInvite

Fetch an organization invite by its id. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization that the invite is for. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization-invite.get on the invite.

CreateOrganizationInvite OrganizationInvite OrganizationInvite

Create a new organization invite. The authenticated user must be a member of the organization that the invite is for. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization-invite.create on the organization that the invite is for.


Delete an organization invite The authenticated user must be a member of the organization that the invite is for. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization-invite.delete on the invite


Accept an organization invite The authenticated user's email address must match the email address specified in the invite. Required permissions: - None


Reject an organization invite The authenticated user's email address must match the email address specified in the invite. Required permissions: - None

ListQuotaDescriptions QuotaDescriptionList

Fetch descriptions for all quota kinds know by the platform. Required permissions: - None

GetTermsAndConditions TermsAndConditions

Fetch a specific version of the Terms & Conditions. Required permissions: - None

GetCurrentTermsAndConditions TermsAndConditions

Fetch the current version of the Terms & Conditions for the organization identified by the given (optional) ID. Required permissions: - None If ID is empty. - resourcemanager.organization.get If ID is not empty.

GetDataProcessingAddendum DataProcessingAddendum

Fetch a specific version of the Data Processing Addendum. Required permissions: - None

GetCurrentDataProcessingAddendum DataProcessingAddendum

Fetch the current version of the Data Processing Addendum for the organization identified by the given (optional) ID. Required permissions: - None If ID is empty. - resourcemanager.organization.get If ID is not empty.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/api-version
ListOrganizations GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/self/organizations
GetOrganization GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{id}
CreateOrganization POST /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations *
UpdateOrganization PATCH /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{id} *
DeleteOrganization DELETE /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{id}
ListOrganizationMembers GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{context_id}/members
AddOrganizationMembers POST /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/members *
UpdateOrganizationMembers PATCH /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/members *
DeleteOrganizationMembers DELETE /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/members *
IsMemberOfOrganization GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/members/{user_id}
ListOrganizationQuotas GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{options.context_id}/quotas
ListProjects GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{context_id}/projects
GetProject GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/projects/{id}
CreateProject POST /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/projects *
UpdateProject PATCH /api/resourcemanager/v1/projects/{id} *
DeleteProject DELETE /api/resourcemanager/v1/projects/{id}
ListProjectQuotas GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/projects/{options.context_id}/quotas
ListEvents POST /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{options.context_id}/events *
ListOrganizationInvites GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{context_id}/organization-invites
ListMyOrganizationInvites GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/self/organization-invites
GetOrganizationInvite GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/organization-invites/{id}
CreateOrganizationInvite POST /api/resourcemanager/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/organization-invites *
DeleteOrganizationInvite DELETE /api/resourcemanager/v1/organization-invites/{id}
AcceptOrganizationInvite POST /api/resourcemanager/v1/organization-invites/{id}/accept
RejectOrganizationInvite POST /api/resourcemanager/v1/organization-invites/{id}/reject
ListQuotaDescriptions GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/quotas/descriptions
GetTermsAndConditions GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/termsandconditions/{id}
GetCurrentTermsAndConditions GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/current-termsandconditions
GetDataProcessingAddendum GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/dpa/{id}
GetCurrentDataProcessingAddendum GET /api/resourcemanager/v1/current-dpa




Response for ListUsers

schemas string repeated

Name of schemas followed in response

totalResult int32

Total number of results available

startIndex int32

Pagination offset value

count int32

Pagination limit value

Resources User repeated

List of users


Request params for ListUsers

startIndex int32

Pagination offset value

count int32

Pagination limit value

filter string

Filters to apply for querying data


Metadata is the schema used for meta data of a resource in SCIM API response

resourceType string

Identifies type of resource example User / Group

created google.protobuf.Timestamp

Defines the time at which the resource was created

lastModified google.protobuf.Timestamp

Defines the time at which the resource was updated


User is the schema used for user information in SCIM API response

schemas string repeated

Name of schemas followed in request / response

id string

User identifier

displayName string

Display name of user

nickName string

Nick name of user

locale string

Language preferred by user

name UserName

Name of user

emails UserResource repeated

Emails of user

photos UserResource repeated

Photos of user

meta Metadata

Meta information of user creation and updation

externalId string

External identifier is used to know the ArangoGraph Insights Platform id

active bool

Check if user is active

userName string

userName attribute of the external system like okta


UserName is the schema used for name of user in SCIM API response

formatted string

Formatted name string

givenName string

Given name / first name of user

familyName string

Family name / last name of the user


UserResource is the schema used for resource like emails / photos of user in SCIM API response

value string

Value of resource example, email address or photo url

primary bool

If set value is used as the primary source of information

type string

Optional value. Sets the type resource example photo


SCIMService is the API used to expose the SCIM Provisioning API for SAML based SSO.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None (authenticated only)

ListUsers ListUsersRequest ListUserResponse

List the users as per SCIM API requirements For an organization identifier inferred via API Key Required permissions: - scim.user.list on the organization

GetUser User

Get the organization member information based on user identifier as per SCIM API requirements Required permissions: - scim.user.get on the organization

AddUser User User

Invite the user to an organization that is inferred from API key Required permissions: - scim.user.add on the organization

UpdateUser User User

Update the user information Required permissions: - scim.user.update on the organization


Delete the user from an organization Required permissions: - scim.user.delete on the organization

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/scim/v1/api-version
ListUsers GET /api/scim/v1/Users
GetUser GET /api/scim/v1/Users/{id}
AddUser POST /api/scim/v1/Users *
UpdateUser PUT /api/scim/v1/Users/{id} *
DeleteUser DELETE /api/scim/v1/Users/{id}




IAMProvider provides configuration for a custom Identity & Access management provider

for deployments.

id string

System identifier of the provider. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of the provider. This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the provider.

description string

Description of the provider.

project_id string

Identifier of the project that contains this provider.

type string

Type of provider

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of this provider. This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the provider This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this provider is deleted. This is a read-only value.

created_by_id string

Identifier of the user who created this provider. This is a read-only value.

is_default bool

Set when this provider is the default in its project. This is a read-only value.

locked bool

If set, this IAM provider cannot be deleted. To delete, first update the with locked set to false.

ldap_settings IAMProvider.LDAPSettings


LDAP provider specific settings

server string

Hostname or IP address of the server

port int32

Port number of the server (defaults to 389)

base_distinguished_name string

Base distinguished name under which the search takes place

bind_distinguished_name string

distinguished name for a read-only LDAP user to which ArangoDB can bind to search the LDAP server

bind_password string

Password name for a read-only LDAP user to which ArangoDB can bind to search the LDAP server. This is a set-only field. During get/list requests, this field will be empty.

refresh_rate int32

Refresh rate in seconds (defaults to 300)

tls_ca_certificate_pem string

PEM encoded version of the CA certificate used by the LDAP server.

serialized bool

If set, calls into the underlying LDAP library are serialized. This option can be used to work around thread-unsafe LDAP library functionality.

serialize_timeout_sec int32

Timeout (in seconds) used when waiting to enter the LDAP library call serialization lock. This is only meaningful when serialized has been set to true.

retries int32

Number of retries to attempt a connection to the LDAP server. Setting this to values greater than zero will make ArangoDB retry to contact the LDAP server in case no connection can be made initially.

restart bool

If set, the LDAP library will implicitly restart connections.

referrals bool

If set, the LDAP library will implicitly chase referrals.

timeout_sec int32

Timeout value (in seconds) for synchronous LDAP API calls (a value of 0 means default timeout).

network_timeout_sec int32

Timeout value (in seconds) after which network operations following the initial connection return in case of no activity (a value of 0 means default timeout).

async_connect bool

If set, the LDAP library will connect asynchronously.

prefix string

Prefix for simple authentication

suffix string

Suffix for simple authentication

search_scope string

LDAP search scope with possible values "base" (just search the base distinguished name), "sub" (recursive search under the base distinguished name) or "one" (search the base’s immediate children) (default: "sub").

search_filter string

LDAP filter expression which limits the set of LDAP users being considered (default: "objectClass=*"" which means all objects).

search_attribute string

Specifies the attribute in the user objects which is used to match the ArangoDB user name (default: "uid").

roles_attribute_name string

If set, this field specifies the name of the attribute used to fetch the roles of a user.

roles_search string

If set, then the string {USER} in the value of this field is replaced with the distinguished name of the authenticated LDAP user and the resulting search expression is used to match distinguished names of LDAP objects representing roles of that user.

roles_include string

Regular expression that is used to filter roles. Only roles that match the regular expression are used.

roles_exclude string

Regular expression that is used to filter roles. Only roles that do not match the regular expression are used.

roles_transformation string

A regular expression in the format of a replacement text (/re/text/). This regular expression is applied to the role name found. This is especially useful in the roles-search variant to extract the real role name out of the dn value.

super_user_role string

Name of role associated with the superuser. Any user belonging to this role gains superuser status. This role is checked after applying the roles_transformation expression.


List of IAM providers.

items IAMProvider repeated


IPAllowlist represents a list of CIDR ranges from which a deployment is accessible.

id string

System identifier of the allowlist. This is a read-only value.

url string

URL of the allowlist. This is a read-only value.

name string

Name of the allowlist.

description string

Description of the allowlist.

project_id string

Identifier of the project that contains this allowlist.

cidr_ranges string repeated

List of CIDR ranges. Values must follow format as defined in RFC 4632 and RFC 4291.

created_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The creation timestamp of this allowlist. This is a read-only value.

deleted_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

The deletion timestamp of the allowlist This is a read-only value.

is_deleted bool

Set when this allowlist is deleted. This is a read-only value.

created_by_id string

Identifier of the user who created this allowlist. This is a read-only value.

locked bool

If set, this allow list cannot be deleted. To delete, first update the with locked set to false.

warnings string repeated

The list of warnings which are related to the IP allow list. This is a read-only value.

remote_inspection_allowed bool

If set, a few additional IP addresses are added to allow for remote connectivity inspection of the deployment by the ArangoGraph Insights Platform.


List of IP allowlists.

items IPAllowlist repeated


SecurityService is the API used to access security entities.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListIPAllowlists IPAllowlistList

Fetch all IP allowlists that belong to the project identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - security.ipallowlist.list on the project identified by the given context ID.

GetIPAllowlist IPAllowlist

Fetch an IP allowlist by its id. Required permissions: - security.ipallowlist.get on the IP allowlist

CreateIPAllowlist IPAllowlist IPAllowlist

Create a new IP allowlist Required permissions: - security.ipallowlist.create on the project that owns the IP allowlist.

UpdateIPAllowlist IPAllowlist IPAllowlist

Update an IP allowlist Required permissions: - security.ipallowlist.update on the IP allowlist


Delete an IP allowlist. Note that IP allowlists are initially only marked for deletion. Once all their dependent deployments are removed, the allowlist is removed. Required permissions: - security.ipallowlist.delete on the IP allowlist

ListIAMProviders IAMProviderList

Fetch all IAM providers that belong to the project identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - security.iamprovider.list on the project identified by the given context ID.

GetIAMProvider IAMProvider

Fetch an IAM provider by its id. Required permissions: - security.iamprovider.get on the IAM provider

CreateIAMProvider IAMProvider IAMProvider

Create a new IAM provider Required permissions: - security.iamprovider.create on the project that owns the IAM provider.

UpdateIAMProvider IAMProvider IAMProvider

Update an IAM provider Required permissions: - security.iamprovider.update on the IAM provider


Delete an IAM provider. Note that IAM providers are initially only marked for deletion. Once all their dependent deployments are removed, the provider is removed. Required permissions: - security.iamprovider.delete on the IP whitelist

SetDefaultIAMProvider IAMProvider

Mark the given IAM provider as default for its containing project. Required permissions: - security.iamprovider.set-default on the project that owns the provider.

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/security/v1/api-version
ListIPAllowlists GET /api/security/v1/projects/{context_id}/ipallowlists
GetIPAllowlist GET /api/security/v1/ipallowlists/{id}
CreateIPAllowlist POST /api/security/v1/project/{project_id}/ipallowlists *
UpdateIPAllowlist PATCH /api/security/v1/ipallowlists/{id} *
DeleteIPAllowlist DELETE /api/security/v1/ipallowlists/{id}
ListIAMProviders GET /api/security/v1/projects/{context_id}/iamproviders
GetIAMProvider GET /api/security/v1/iamproviders/{id}
CreateIAMProvider POST /api/security/v1/project/{project_id}/iamproviders *
UpdateIAMProvider PATCH /api/security/v1/iamproviders/{id} *
DeleteIAMProvider DELETE /api/security/v1/iamproviders/{id}
SetDefaultIAMProvider POST /api/security/v1/projects/{project_id}/iamproviders/default *




FaqGroup contains groups of faq entries

id string

ID of the FAQ Group

name string

Name of the FAQ Group


FaqGroupEntry contains entries for a group

question string

The question of this entry

answer string

The answer to the question in this entry


List of faq group entries.

items FaqGroupEntry repeated


List of faq groups.

items FaqGroup repeated


Arguments for a ListPlans request


Common list options

organization_id string

If set, list plans as they are available for the organization identified by this ID.

model string

If set, list plans as they are available for the deployment model identified by this field.


Plan represents a specific support plan such as Bronze, Silver or Gold.

id string

System identifier of the plan.

name string

Name of the plan.

is_default bool

If set, this plan is the default support plan.

description string

Human readable description of the plan

is_unavailable bool

If set, this plan is shown, but not selectable.

first_response_times ResponseTimes

SLA times to first response for various situations. When this plan is unavailable, this field is optional.

support_hours string

Support hours applicable to the SLA. Possible values are "business" and "24x7".


List of plans.

items Plan repeated


Response for various categories on situations.

All values are in minutes.

A value of 0 means "best effort".

critical int32

Response time for operation-impeding Error in a production environment.

high int32

Response time for operation-limiting error.

normal int32

Response time for minor error.

low int32

Response time for usage question.


SupportRequest contains information about the request

id string

ID of the request This is a read-only field

user_name string

Name of the user who submitted the support request This is a required field

user_id string

User ID is only provided if the user submitting the request has authenticated This is an optional field

email_address string

Email address of the user if applicable submitting the request

organization_id string

Optional identifier of the organization that is the subject of the support request

project_id string

Optional identifier of the project that is the subject of the support request

deployment_id string

Optional identifier of the deployment that is the subject of the support request

description string

Desciption which will contain the details provided by the submitter

severity string

Severity of the request. Can be one of the following: (low|normal|high|critical)

title string

Optional title which will contain the summary provided by the submitter (max 100 characters) If not provided a title will be extracted from the description.


SupportService is the API used to query for support.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListPlans ListPlansRequest PlanList

Fetch all support plans that are supported by the ArangoDB cloud. Required permissions: - None

GetPlan Plan

Fetch a support plan by its id. Required permissions: - None

ListFaqGroups FaqGroupList

Fetch all FAQ groups. Required permissions: - None

ListFaqGroupEntries FaqGroupEntryList

Fetch all FAQ group entries of the FAQ group identified by the given context ID. Required permissions: - None

CreateSupportRequest SupportRequest SupportRequest

Submit a support request. Required permissions: - resourcemanager.organization.get (if organization id is set) - resourcemanager.project.get (if project id is set) - data.deployment.get (if deployment id is set) - None (if no ids are set)

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/support/v1/api-version
ListPlans GET /api/support/v1/plans
GetPlan GET /api/support/v1/plans/{id}
ListFaqGroups GET /api/support/v1/faqgroups
ListFaqGroupEntries GET /api/support/v1/faqgroups/{context_id}/entries
CreateSupportRequest POST /api/support/v1/supportrequests *




The version pair describing the tools compatibility with an API.

api_id string

ID of the api.


Expected version of the api.


Request for GetLatestVersion

name string

Name of the tool

expected_api_versions APIVersionPair repeated

Version pair for the tool depicting compatibility with a given API.


Response for GetLatestVersion

latest_version string

Semantic versioning format of the latest known version of the tool that is compatible with the current API.

download_url string

Download url of the latest version for a tool.

is_compatible bool

True if the current list of API-ID+versions is still compatible with current API.


ToolsService is the API used by the compatibility check for an ArangoDB Tool.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

GetLatestVersion GetLatestVersionRequest ToolsVersion

Get the latest version for a tool. Required permissions: - None

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/tools/v1/api-version
GetLatestVersion GET /api/tools/v1/latest-version




Request arguments for ListUsageItems

organization_id string

Request usage items for the organization with this id. This is a required field.

from google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request usage items that overlaps in time with the time period that starts with this timestamp (inclusive). This is a required field.

to google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request usage items that overlaps in time with the time period that ends with this timestamp (exclusive). This is a required field.

sort_descending bool

Sort descending (new to old) on started_at field (default is ascending).

kind string

Limit to usage items of this kind


Standard list options This is an optional field.

resource_url string

Limit to usage items for the resource with this URL. This is an optional field.

resource_kind string

Limit to usage items for the resource with this kind. This is an optional field.

project_id string

Limit to usage items for the project with this id. This is an optional field.

deployment_id string

Limit to usage items for the deployment with this id. This is an optional field.

node_size_id string

Limit to usage items for deployments with this node size. This is an optional field.

region_id string

Limit to usage items for deployments in this region. This is an optional field.

has_no_invoice_id bool

If set, limit to usage items that have no invoice_id set.

has_invoice_id bool

If set, limit to usage items that have an invoice_id set.

invoice_id string

If set, limit to usage items that have the invoice_id set to this specific value. This is an optional field.

not_start_before google.protobuf.Timestamp

Request usage items that start at or after given timestamp. This is an optional field.


A UsageItem message contained usage tracking information for a tracked

resource (usually deployment) in a specific time period.

id string

System identifier of the usage item.

url string

URL of this resource

kind string

Kind of usage item

resource UsageItem.Resource

Identification of the resource covered by this usage item

starts_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

This usage item covers a time period that starts at this timestamp

ends_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

This usage item covers a time period that ends at this timestamp. If the usage item has not yet ended, this field is is set to the current time.

has_ended bool

Set when this usage item has ended.

tier_id string

Identifier of the tier the organization was using at the start of this usage period.

invoice_id string

Identifier of the invoice that includes this usage item. The usage item must be ended when this field it set.

deployment_size UsageItem.DeploymentSize

Amount of (computer) resources used by the resource covered by this usage item. This field is only set when the usage item is of kind DeploymentSize.

network_transfer_size UsageItem.NetworkTransferSize

Amount of network traffic used by the resource covered by this usage item. This field is only set when the usage item is of kind NetworkTransferSize.

backup_storage_size UsageItem.BackupStorageSize

Amount of backup related cloud storage used by the resource covered by this usage item. This field is only set when the usage item is of kind BackupStorageSize.

auditlog_size UsageItem.AuditLogSize

Amount of audit log related resources used by the resource covered by this usage item. This field is only set when the usage item is of kind AuditLogSize.

auditlog_storage_size UsageItem.AuditLogStorageSize

Amount of audit log storage related resources used by the resource covered by this usage item. This field is only set when the usage item is of kind AuditLogCloudSize.

notebook_size UsageItem.NotebookSize

Amount of cloud resources used by a given Notebook. This field is only set when the usage item is of kind NotebookSize.

mlservices_size UsageItem.MLServicesSize

Amount of compute resources used by a given MLServices resource. This field is only set when the usage item is of kind MLServicesSize.

mljob_size UsageItem.MLJobSize

Amount of compute resources used by a given ML job. This field is only set when the usage item is of kind MLJobSize.

graphanalyticsjob_size UsageItem.GraphAnalyticsJobSize

Amount of compute resources used by a given ML job. This field is only set when the usage item is of kind MLJobSize.


Amount of audit log related resources used by the resource covered by this usage item.

destination_type string

Type of destination. Possible values are: "cloud", "https-post"

event_count int64

Number of events used by audit log. This is the value of (of the timespan covered by this usage item).

event_size int64

Number of bytes used by audit log. This is the total of DestinationCounters.bytes_succeeded and bytes_failed (of the timespan covered by this usage item) and depending on the destination type send to the cloud or used as the body of a https post request.

https_post_count int64

Number of https post invocations used by audit log. This is the total of DestinationCounters.https_posts_succeeded and https_posts_failed (of the timespan covered by this usage item). Set when destination_type is "https-post" only


Amount of audit log storage related resources used by the resource covered by this usage item.

When this usage type is used, the audit log destination_type is "cloud".

cloud_storage_size int64

Amount of cloud storage (in bytes) used by audit log.


Amount of backup related cloud storage used by the resource covered by this usage item.

cloud_storage_size int64

Amount of cloud storage (in bytes) used by backups of a deployment.


Amount of (computer) resources used by the resource covered by this usage item.

coordinators int32

Number of coordinators of the deployment

coordinator_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) allocated for each coordinator.

dbservers int32

Number of dbservers of the deployment

dbserver_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) allocated for each dbserver.

dbserver_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space (in GB) allocated for each dbserver.

agents int32

Number of agents of the deployment

agent_memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) allocated for each agent.

agent_disk_size int32

Amount of disk space (in GB) allocated for each agent.

node_size_id string

Identifier of the node-size used for this deployment (empty for flexible)

disk_performance_id string

Identifier of disk performance used for this deployment (if any).

addon_ids string repeated

List of identifiers of addons used by the deployment.

is_paused bool

IF true the deployment was in paused state


Amount of compute resources used by a Graph Analytics Job.

memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) allocated for the job.

cpu_size float

Amount of CPU units allocated to the job. 1 CPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual CPU.

gpu_size float

Amount of GPU units allocated to the job. 1 CPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual GPU.

job_id string

ID of the ML job.

job_type string

Type of Graph Analytics job.


Amount of compute resources used by a ML Job.

memory_size int32

Amount of memory (in GB) allocated for the job.

cpu_size float

Amount of CPU units allocated to the job. 1 CPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual CPU.

gpu_size float

Amount of GPU units allocated to the job. 1 CPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual GPU.

job_id string

ID of the ML job.

job_type string

Type of ML Job (training, prediction, etc.)


Amount of compute resources used by a given MLServices resource.

training_apis int32

Number of training API servers.

training_api_memory_size int64

Amount of memory (in GB) allocated for each training API server.

training_api_cpu_size float

Amount of CPU units allocated to the training API server. 1 CPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual CPU.

prediction_apis int32

Number of prediction API servers.

prediction_api_memory_size int64

Amount of memory (in GB) allocated for each prediction API server.

prediction_api_cpu_size float

Amount of CPU units allocated to the prediction API server. 1 CPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual CPU.

projects_apis int32

Number of projects API servers.

projects_api_memory_size int64

Amount of memory (in GB) allocated for each projects API server.

projects_api_cpu_size float

Amount of CPU units allocated to the projects API server. 1 CPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual CPU.


Amount of network traffic used by the resource covered by this usage item.

destination string

The destination (or source) the network traffic going to (or coming from) Can be 'Internet' or 'InCluster' An empty string means 'Internet'

total_transfer_ingress_size int64

Total amount of network ingress traffic (in bytes) caused by the use of a deployment. Destination 'Internet': This is traffic coming from the internet, so excluding inner cluster traffic Destination 'InCluster': This is in-cluster traffic only This is always excluding backup traffic (downloads).

total_transfer_egress_size int64

Total amount of network egress traffic (in bytes) caused by the use of a deployment. Destination 'Internet': This is traffic going to the internet, so excluding inner cluster traffic Destination 'InCluster': This is in-cluster traffic only This is always excluding backup traffic (uploads). Note: In the future we want to split between cross_region_transfer_x and inner_region_transfer_x, the total_transfer_x is the sum of these 2. Inner region can be cross availability zone.


Amount of cloud resources used by a given Notebook.

This field is only set when the usage item is of kind NotebookSize.

cpu_size float

Amount of CPU units allocated to the notebook. 1 CPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual CPU.

memory_size int64

Amount of memory allocated to the notebook (in GiB).

disk_size int64

Size of the disk allocated to the notebook (in GiB).

is_paused bool

If the Notebook is paused (Hibernated phase).

notebook_model_id string

ID of the type of Notebook that is being used.

gpu_size float

Amount of GPU units allocated to the notebook. 1 GPU unit equals 1 physical / virtual GPU.


id string

System identifier of the resource that this usage item covers.

url string

URL of the resource that this usage item covers

kind string

Kind of resource that this usage item covers.

description string

Human readable description of the resource that this usage item covers.

organization_id string

Identifier of the organization that owns the resource that this usage item covers.

organization_name string

Name of the organization that owns the resource that this usage item covers.

project_id string

Identifier of the project that owns the resource that this usage item covers. This field is optional when the kind is AuditLogSize, depending if the audit log is for a deployment (set) or ArangoGraph Insights Platform (empty)

project_name string

Name of the project that owns the resource that this usage item covers. This field is optional when the kind is AuditLogSize, depending if the audit log is for a deployment (set) or ArangoGraph Insights Platform (empty)

deployment_id string

Identifier of the deployment that owns the resource that this usage item covers. This field is optional when the kind is AuditLogSize, depending if the audit log is for a deployment (set) or ArangoGraph Insights Platform (empty)

deployment_name string

Name of the deployment that owns the resource that this usage item covers. This field is optional when the kind is AuditLogSize, depending if the audit log is for a deployment (set) or ArangoGraph Insights Platform (empty)

deployment_member_name string

Name of the deployment member that owns the resource that this usage item covers. This field is only set when the usage item is specific for a member of the deployment (e.g. network transfer)

cloud_provider_id string

Identifier of the cloud provider that is used to run the deployment. This field is optional when the kind is AuditLogSize, depending if the audit log is for a deployment (set) or ArangoGraph Insights Platform (empty)

cloud_region_id string

Identifier of the cloud region that is used to run the deployment. This field is optional when the kind is AuditLogSize, depending if the audit log is for a deployment (set) or ArangoGraph Insights Platform (empty)

support_plan_id string

Identifier of the support plan that is attached to the deployment. This field is not filled-out when the kind is AuditLogSize

deployment_model string

Model of the deployment This field is not filled-out when the kind is AuditLogSize

prepaid_deployment_id string

Identifier of the PrepaidDeployment that this deployment is attached to (if any)

prepaid_deployment_starts_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp when the prepaid_deployment starts (relevant when prepaid_deployment_id is set only)

prepaid_deployment_ends_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

Timestamp when the prepaid_deployment ends (relevant when prepaid_deployment_id is set only)

credit_bundle_ids string repeated

Identifiers of the credit bundles (if any) that were used to pay for this usage item.


List of UsageItems.

items UsageItem repeated


UsageService is the API used to fetch usage tracking information.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription

Get the current API version of this service. Required permissions: - None

ListUsageItems ListUsageItemsRequest UsageItemList

Fetch all UsageItem resources in the organization identified by the given organization ID that match the given criteria. Required permissions: - usage.usageitem.list on the organization identified by the given organization ID

Methods with HTTP bindings

Method Name Method Pattern Body
GetAPIVersion GET /api/usage/v1/api-version
ListUsageItems GET /api/usage/v1/organization/{organization_id}/usageitems

Scalar Value Types

.proto TypeNotesC++JavaPythonGoC#PHPRuby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)